DAP’s ‘chest-thumping’ ways will not lead to Pakatan victory in GE14


Ng Kee Seng, The Ant Daily

For five decades the opposition parties, especially the DAP, have resorted to chest-thumping and empty threats to solicit political support from Malaysians.

It is safe to say that the DAP has reached its political pinnacle in the 13th General Election (GE13).

Come GE14, which is only due in 2018 but Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak can call for a snap national poll at his pleasure, the only direction for the DAP is down south if it does not reform its political strategy to win the hearts and minds of Malaysians, not only the Chinese.

The DAP not only needs to reform to make it more attractive to Malaysians, especially the Malays, but it also must face political reality and display magnanimity to its Malay political allies in Pakatan.

In short, the DAP must start thinking for Malaysians, not only the Chinese.

Like any political party, the DAP is into politics not only to champion its beliefs and cause, it must also hope to govern one day.

It is impossible for the DAP to be part of a federal government unless it joins Barisan Nasional (BN) now or really works sincerely with its Pakatan allies, PKR and PAS, to help strengthen the opposition coalition to win in GE14.

The DAP needs to muster the political will to place more trust and faith in PAS and PKR for any hope of a Pakatan victory in GE14, instead of undermining Malay support for its two allies.

Sadly, post-GE13 political developments show that the “political leopards”, like Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and “Robocop” Lim Kit Siang have refused or cannot change their “spots” to reform their political strategy to face a resurgent Umno-led BN in GE14.

They continue to rely on chest-thumping media releases, agitation, threats and public rallies in the cities in the hope of winning more sympathy and votes for their elusive victory over BN.

They continue to ignore their biggest political problem and reality – the rural folks.

If their current political strategy and preparations for victory in GE14 are truly their answer for “Change”, they would have achieved it in GE13, after GE12’s national poll tsunami.

What Malaysians are seeing after GE13 are the same old national issues being raised by Pakatan to discredit the BN but these issues will not necessarily win them the rural support that they badly need to topple BN.

Clearly, what Malaysians can expect to see are more and more chest thumping “political leopards” emerging to stir emotions when they should be spending more time visiting rural areas.

They do not believe in real hard work for victory and that “silence is golden”. Campaigning quietly in the rural areas in the next four years would certainly be more effective than just creating a ruckus over national issues.

In short, Pakatan cannot even get its priorities right to face BN in GE14. Are Pakatan leaders just too lazy to go to the rural ground?

The most recent display of unnecessary chest-thumping came from DAP chairman Karpal Singh who was quoted by the media as saying:

“DAP will not hesitate to take the Registrar of Societies (ROS) to court if it continues to ‘oppress’ the party. This is the last warning to ROS. They must change their attitude. We have been monitoring them since December last year.

“I am not going to let ROS go if it is detrimental to the Rocket (party).”

Do you really think that is going to frighten the ROS or BN? Do you think that is going to stop the ROS or BN from taking action? Do you think that is going to help Malaysians?

See what I mean? Get your priorities right. Fight a battle and war that’s worth fighting.

Just give the ROS the documents and details that it wants to proceed with a decision whether the reconvened DAP Central Executive Committee (CEC) was proper and for the ROS to recognise the CEC officially as legitimate.

If the ROS still gives problems, then it is another round of battle. If not, end of story and move on to preparations for GE14.

As it is, the DAP leadership seems wanting a collision with the ROS, thus only giving the ROS the reason or opportunity to take action.

If the DAP insists on knocking its head on the brick wall until it breaks, please go ahead. But bu yao dai wo men qu he lan (Mandarin for – Don’t lead us to Holland, meaning don’t lead us to death).

