Marina Mahathir raps Putrajaya for keeping mum on serious issues


She said on a daily basis, there are more and more things Malaysians are told they cannot touch on, so much so that the country’s slogan of “Malaysia Boleh” might as well be turned to “Malaysia Tak Boleh”.

(TMI) – Social activist Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir hit out at Putrajaya today for keeping silent on simmering contentious issues affecting the country.

In her “Musings” column in English daily The Star, Marina said that the country’s leadership may preach about unity, but remained silent over sensitive statements made by certain parties.

“What sort of leadership do we have which only mouths platitudes about moderation and unity, yet has absolutely nothing to say about the type of extreme pronouncements made not only by so-called NGOs, but also by some parts of government?” she said.

“Are they oblivious or scared? And if they are scared, why?”

Her article struck a chord with Malaysians, with many sharing it on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Without mentioning names, Marina said that the country’s leaders would rather spend time defending family foibles than speak up for the most vulnerable and defenceless in society.

“How embarrassing is that?”

Malaysians, she said, were being led by people who were ignorant, unschooled and yet proud to be so.

“We have celebrated the Gregorian new year for ages. So how did it suddenly become a Jewish celebration?

“We have wished our fellow Malaysians the best during all our festivities. So how did it suddenly become a threat to our faith? Or is our faith so fragile that it can hardly withstand anything?”

She said on a daily basis, there are more and more things Malaysians are told they cannot touch on, so much so that the country’s slogan of “Malaysia Boleh” might as well be turned to “Malaysia Tak Boleh”.

“We are told we cannot be nice to each other because it might endanger the faith of some of us.

“We are told that we cannot talk frankly because some people, obviously with weaker constitutions than the rest of us, might get offended.

“We cannot do anything without treading on eggshells because some people have paper-thin skins.

“So basically, the Malaysians we are supposed to be proud of are those with weak faith, who need constant government help and have such inferiority complexes, that anything and everything that anyone else does better is offensive to them.

“These are the people who think the fastest way to heaven is to oppress other people. Lovely!” she said.


