New Merc is bad timing and bad PR, says Rafizi

rafizi merc

Rafizi: The new Mercedes-Benz S300L purchased for Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng comes at a bad time and is a bad public relations exercise

by Nurul Iman Dimyati,

The new Mercedes-Benz S300L purchased for Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng comes at a bad time and is a bad public relations exercise, according to fellow Pakatan Rakyat politician Rafizi Ramli.

Rafizi said that despite getting a good value for the car, sensitivity should have been displayed by Lim as Malaysians are currently going through a tough time with price hikes and subsidy cuts.

The purchase of the luxury sedan, said the PKR strategist, will also invite attacks from Barisan Nasional as the issue merely serves as ammunitions for them.

“I think this is the same sensitivity that should have been displayed by politicians from all sides, whether it’s BN or Pakatan, because people are going through extreme hardships and 2014 is really going to be very difficult.

“While the value is very good, I don’t think that anyone questions the decision to buy. But, I think it’s a very bad public relations that allows BN to manipulate the issue,” said Rafizi when contacted by

For Pakatan, the Pandan MP believes the matter is a “philosophical” issue that the alliance has to come to terms with, and cautioned alliance members not to fall into such trappings that had tarnished BN’s image.

“In the case of Penang’s official car for example, I think the value for money for the car is very good. Therefore, it is a very good investment decision,” said Rafizi, who like Lim, is a trained accountant.

“Yet, at the same time there is some kind of expectation of the public, even more so on Pakatan Rakyat’s leadership, not to fall in trappings that had derailed Barisan Nasional.

“One of those trappings is that once you occupy a public office, you are attracted to luxury and expensive things, and your lifestyle suddenly becomes different than what it was.


