The Bible incident: Befuddlement, paralysis and opportunism


The Sultans appear to have judged well. The Federal government is paralyzed. Even Pakatan Rakyat is paralyzed. Just as Prime Minister Najib hasn’t spoken, Opposition Leader Anwar hasn’t spoken. (Perhaps they are negotiating a solution?)

Rest Stop Thoughts

Why did about 20 officials from the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) raid the Bible Society of Malaysia? Why did 2 policemen accompany them? Why did they cart away 16 boxes containing 320 Bibles in the Malay and Iban languages? Why did they take 2 officers of BSM to a police station, and then release them on police bail?

Millions have been discussing those questions after the raid on the first working day of 2014. Many reasons have been suggested. The following are high on the list:
  1. JAIS has a new head, Ahmad Zaharin Mohd. Saad. He wants to start his reign by showing loyalty to the Sultan of Selangor via sternness towards Christians – and by implication Buddhists, Hindus, Shiites, Shiites and others.
  2. No one has “enforced” the Court of Appeal decision in October 2012 that (a) calling God “Allah” is not central to the Christian faith, and that (b) if Catholics call God “Allah,” the peace and security of the nation will be threatened.
  3. A Catholic leader said last week that churches in Selangor will continue calling God “Allah” in Bahasa Malaysia services attended mainly by East Malaysian Christians – and Umno-linked groups felt it necessary to respond sternly to him.
  4. JAIS is ‘implementing’ the Court of Appeal’s decision and a 1988 state religious enactment which forbids non-Muslims from using the word “Allah.”
  5. The government needs to divert attention from the rising cost of living, rising income inequality and worsening performance in schools. Historically Christians have not stood up to bullying, so they are easy targets.
  6. Some Malay Rulers are exploiting a weak Federal government. They are exercising their sovereignty in Islam in order to gain privileges in other areas. On 23 November the Sultan of Johor changed the weekend from Saturday/Sunday. On 14 November the Sultan of Selangor ordered use of the word “Allah” in the Bible and Malay version of ‘The Herald’ to be ceased immediately.”
I believe the 6 reasons may explain the raid, confiscation and detention. I believe the 6 reasons are symptoms of distress in Malay-Muslim identity in Malaysia. I wonder if there’s another factor at play.
