Only a suggestion to amend S’gor Islamic law


DAP organising secretary Anthony Loke says that neither DAP nor Pakatan Rakyat have come to a decision on amending the state enactment Jais had used to raid the Bible Society of Malaysia.

Anisah Shukry, FMT

The three Selangor DAP assemblymen’s bid to amend the 1988 state enactment prohibiting non-Muslims from using the word “Allah” has not received backing from the party nor the opposition coalition.

DAP organising secretary Anthony Loke said any proposal for state law amendments must have the consensus of all component parties in Pakatan Rakyat first.

“There has been no discussion yet (on amending the enactment) because we have not held a leadership council meeting yet,” Loke told a press conference at the DAP headquarters here today.

The Seremban MP stressed that Yeo Bee Yin (Damansara), Rajiv Risyakaran (Bukit Bintang) and Lau Weng San’s joint statement on amending the Selangor Non Islamic Religions (Control of Propogation Among Muslims) was merely a “suggestion”.

“I hope our friends from PKR and PAS are not offended by it as it was just a suggestion. We all have our own opinions on the matter, and in this case, DAP is not making any decision yet.”

He also pointed out that amending the enactments in the Selangor Assembly would be impossible without the support of their Pakatan counterparts in the first place.

The Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) had used the 1988 enactment to justify last week’s raid on the Bible Society of Malaysia, as well as the seizure of over 200 Malay and Ibanese Bibles containing the word Allah. It had also arrested two BSM leaders in the raid.


