Let us put an end to this “Allah” controversy

Azly Rahman

Instead of running amok all over town over the word, why not Malay-Muslims begin by simply analyzing the meaning of the word in its entirety and then figure out how human beings are taught


Azly Rahman

The nation has been talking about the insistence by the Christians to use the word “Allah” in the Bahasa Melayu Bible. I have contributed to the discussions by writing my latest piece published in Malaysiakini and posted others elsewhere in cyberspace. Many responses were generated in all of these, showing how important, if not exciting, the topic is. I read most of the comments closely.

I liked the responses and learned a great deal from the diverse perspective to a topic/controversy I consider quite mundane amidst other pressing issues of social realism and what it takes for culture to be enriched. One commentator had insisted that I write on the origin of the word “Allah” and predicted that my study will yield what is already proved in the Quran and the Hadiths that the term is ordained and exclusive to the Muslims, as it is summarized. This view is no different than the insistence pushed forward by a Malaysian religious authority, JAKIM.

I respect this request and will think about spending time to (still) dwell on this already over-treated issue of genealogy and etymology.

I wonder where I should start – with etymology, philology, or linguistic philosophy as lens?

Should I start by analyzing the pre-Muhammadan origin of it in the early Babylonian use of “Allah” which corresponds to the god “Bel”, or the Hebrew use of “Elohim”. Or the Aramaic use of “elohi”, or the pagan Arab god “al-Lat’ or the relationship between the sister moon-god, or even “Allah” as commonly used even before Muhammad was born (as we know Muhammad’s father is Abd-allah?

Abdullah/Abdillah or the servant of Allah’ to signify the widely used term and not exclusive as how the Muslims, especially the MALAY-MUSLIMS would like it to be used, patented, and even claimed territoriality?


