Please stop confusing God


Why are we mortals confusing God? Are we more supreme?

Narinder Singh, FMT

Looks like ‘Allah’ could not even take a decent leave of absence during the yearend holiday season from the controversies that has bogged the Christians and Muslims in the nation.

The continuous tug-of-war between the two parties have gone to greater heights in the recent days.

Well, as I have mentioned earlier in my comment piece, the ultimate solution will be for the Royalty to step in and hand down an absolute decree and bring a closure to the convoluted arguments that seem to see no daylight.

Arguments and counter arguments have only made Malaysians look more foolish on the international arena. Forget about the Prime Minister and for that matter all others too, to make a stand on the issue which has only created more disharmony and wider gaps amongst people from different faiths.

Politicians are having a field day exploiting the tense and heated situation while those in prayer may soon lose that little faith in the Supreme.

God for sure will not descent to earth and make a judicial judgment though “its” existence and surname is being mitigated by mortals who have bordered the lines of insanity.

One may call me ignorant or just moronic, but I have asked a very basic question to people of different faiths and religion, globally, as to what God looks like?

And mind you, it involves Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Muslims and definitely Hindus. I could not miss the Hindus for sure as they have Gods in different versions even for the same God.

That may sound a little far fetched but we know that Hindus have what we can categorise as sub-categories within the God’s “family tree”. I will not dissect  that too much but it suffices to say that there seems to be various Gods for one religion.

What intrigues me is the fact that not a single soul out there could provide me a descriptive argument as to how God really looks like. None, and mind you not even the so-called religious scholars could testify in definite terms as to how God looks like.

They could not even tell me the first name of God and whether it is a female or male. And since earthlings love to be identified with race, forgetting the fact that there is only the human race, I further asked what is the race of God.

Since there are different races, God must come in different races too, but I am still looking for an answer to come forth.

And what about language. Gosh, we have hundreds if not thousands different languages around the globe. So is God literate in English, Arabic, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Chinese, Tagalog, Spanish or any other spoken tongues?

Again I was deeply frustrated and disappointed as no one, not even linguists could tell me what language God speaks in.


