Proposal to amend enactment will test DAP-PAS-PKR ties


(Bernama) — A proposal by a DAP representative to amend the Selangor Non-Islamic Religions (Control of Propagation Among Muslims) Enactment 1988 will impact the party’s relations with PAS, and PKR which heads the government, said an academician.

Dr Amini Amir Abdullah, from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), believed this would test the credibility and faith of Muslim representatives from PAS and PKR, should it be put forward in a future state assembly sitting.

He said representatives from both parties could no longer be hypocrites when it involved matters pertaining to religion to save DAP’s face, because as Muslims, the 26 Malay representatives comprising 15 from PAS and the rest from PKR needed to show solidarity in defending the sanctity of Islam, especially in the usage of Allah among non-Muslims.

“This suggestion will test the DAP-PAS-PKR relationship, besides gauging the credibility of those in PAS and PKR in Selangor. If the enactment change is realised, even with three non-Muslim PKR assemblymen, DAP still needs votes from other assemblymen for the enactment to be changed.

“So, this is where political unity and strength among PAS and PKR reps will be tested, whether to support or otherwise, because I’m confident that 12 Barisan Nasional (BN) representatives will reject the proposal,” he told Bernama here today.

