The Fanaticism, Bigotry and Rubbishness of Perkasa


Jose Mario Dolor De Vega

I refer to the report of G Vinod’s “Perkasa slams Marina for siding Christians”, Free Malaysia Today, January 6.

Once again, Malaysia is embroiled with a raging controversy and as usual Perkasa is at the forefront of it.

To quote from the above report:

“Perkasa today took a swipe at activist Marina Mahathir for supporting Christians by joining a gathering at a church compound in Klang yesterday.”

I cannot understand and never will I understand the outrageous outlook and preposterous mindset of these so-called religious creatures.

The way they speak, as if they are the only people in the entire land who are so pure and clean, while the rest are dirty and unworthy.

Their nefarious method of splitting the country and plunging the societal harmony of our community to the depths of discord and division is unthinkable, yet since their inception, it seems that their governing spirit is only to wreck havoc to the stability, calm and peace of the country.

If the duly constituted authorities will not do concrete steps to counter the danger pose by this fanatical group and neutralize the poisons and viruses that they are spilling day by day, my fear and concern is that it will further divide us all from each other.

To quote the brilliant words and wise analysis of PAS Central Committee Member Mujahid Yusof Rawa:

“Divergence has become a culture in the way of doing politics here. When you want to divert issue, you just come up with another issue… You come up with seizing the Bible and it drags the whole society to discuss about it and forget about the high cost of living and all that, which is wrong, morally… And a wrong that could, I think, destroy the nation.”

Consider the utterly idiotic pronouncement of Perkasa youth chief Irwan Fahmi Ideris via a blog post in a form of a question:

“What is her motive in showing solidarity with Christians outside a church in Klang yesterday? Is she planning to create another controversy?

“Or is she trying to gain cheap publicity and at the same time criticise the Selangor Islamic Religious Department’s ( Jais)?”


Let us dissect point per point the baseless allegation and stupid words of this so-called youth chief.

Point one:

That creature is asking Marina what is her motive in showing solidarity with the Christians outside a Church in Klang, I am inclined to ask: how about him, what is his motive in criticizing the act of Marina?

There is no point to defend Marina, because the truth is that overwhelming number of Malaysians had come out to concur and to show support with her bold action and so as her companion.

As I’ve stated in my article, “Moderation in name, not deed”, The Malaysian Insider Side Views, January 6:

I commend Marina for her bold and noble act. There is no shadow of doubt that what she did is a clear case of unity in diversity, a struggle for solidarity for the minority Malaysian Christians and a vehement defence of the country’s principle of moderation – which has been under attack these past few days.

Hence, to answer squarely the utterly idiotic question of so-called youth chief let me reply in the categorical sense that Marina’s stance that motivated her action is:

a. to defend the constitutional right of the Christian minority to regard to their religious freedom;

to show that she is a true blue Malaysian;

b. to show that the principles of Moderation and Unity in Diversity are alive and well in the country (albeit under attack) and that in order for these nation’s central and core beliefs to maintain its vitality and force; they should be acted upon not only in words. Hence, undoubtedly, Marina and her courageous companions had shown Moderation in Action and forged Unity that both works and unites, not merely in words or propaganda; and

c. Marina and her companion has shown the whole country that Malaysia belongs to all Malaysians regardless of their race, religion and economic station in life!

Point two: 

To the undeniably baseless and immoral charge that she is merely trying “to gain cheap publicity and at the same time criticise the Selangor Islamic Religious Department’s (Jais)” — all I call say is that, these is totally uncalled for.

For Marina to go to Klang and show their solidarity to the Christian minority is an act of courage that is base on a good character and noble principles.

Marina in my view has shown to the whole nation that she is not only a responsible citizen of this country but also a true-bloodied Muslim woman, who is not afraid of the backlash that may be generated by her firm action that will definitely come from the religious fanatics.

True enough, a day after her action, the fanatics has bombambed her with various stupid, idiotic, slanderous, baseless, malicious and utterly immoral charges and accusations.

Yet, let me state for purposes of the records that in my view, Marina and her companion by virtue of their brave action, which I believe are animated by feelings of love, solidarity and unity has shown not only to the Malaysian people but to the rest of the world, who the true Muslims are and who are the pretenders and the trying hard!

Sad but true!

That so-called youth chief also “said that as a Muslim, Marina should be supporting her Muslim brothers and sisters in defending the holy word Allah from being used by Christians.”

Not content with that, that creature also lamented that:

Marina “as a daughter of a former prime minister who had championed the cause of Islam, Marina’s actions has raised the eyebrows of many Muslims.”


This whole issue is not a question of Muslims against other religion, but rather it is a question of human rights and responsible citizenship.

Marina did not supported the religious minority because she betrays her religion rather by defending those people which in her view are being repressed and oppressed by the powers that be, she has defended the true tenets of Islam.

As she stated:

“We are here to show solidarity with the congregation. A lot of us here are Muslims and we believe Islam is a religion of peace.

“It is not something that we only say (in words), but there must also be action…”

Again on the Question of Allah

No one has the exclusive right to own the word “Allah”. For, in truth and in fact, prior to the advent of Islam, the people of the Middle East have been calling and addressing their God as “Allah”.

“Allah” as a generic and as a religious word does not belong to a specific group of people or specific race. The word belongs to the whole world.

Anyone who says that “Allah” is exclusive to Muslims will betray their idiocy, arrogance, ignorance and religious supremacy.

Malaysia belongs to all Malaysians and the Federal Constitution guarantees every citizen their constitutional right to religious worship.

On the Question of Marina’s Background

It is my take on this issue that Marina’s background has nothing to do with this issue. Her being the daughter of the former premier is a mere historical accident or merely an incidental matter.

If it so happened that Marina is the daughter or the wife of Anwar Ibrahim, does it makes a difference to the notorious and dark minds of Perkasa?

Marina is not her father and her father is not her; therefore to reduce the whole discussion with regard to their blood relations is to confuse the whole issue.

On the question of those Muslims who raised their eyebrows

My simple retort is this: what kind of Muslims are those people?

My suggestion to those people is: don’t simply raise your eyebrows, raise also your consciousness, open your hearts and minds, listen and feel the pulse of the whole nation.

Malaysia as a whole must rise up from this whole fiasco!

Malaysia as a nation must junk Perkasa and their likes. They must throw them to the garbage can of history.


Let me quote Marina to give us the obvious answer:

“They talk so much rubbish,” these are the words that she said, “after attending the first meeting of the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC).”


Jose Mario Dolor De Vega

Philosophy lecturer

College of Arts and Letters

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
