Expect more pressure from Opposition, says Ong Kian Ming


(The Star) – The high costs of living due to the increase in electricity and fuel prices as well as impending toll hikes will give the Opposition ample opportunities to ramp up pressure on the Government, said Serdang MP Ong Kian Ming.

“The Opposition is expected to organise demonstrations against price hikes and the Pakatan Rakyat scheduled gathering on May 1 would make a good signpost of things to come,” the DAP representative said.

Describing 2014 as a “politically-challenging year”, the first-term MP said Barisan Nasional and Pakatan would continue to be adversaries given the high stakes ahead of the 14th general election.

“The closer balance of power post-GE13 means that Pakatan has more authority to challenge Barisan as well has having more representatives in Parliament compared to the previous election,” he said.

“One of the biggest concerns among the Opposition would be the re-delineation exercise that requires a two-thirds majority in Parliament – if the seats are to be increased,” Ong said.

“With Pakatan having a say in the matter, look out for many battles to be fought over this issue at state and national levels,” he said.

“One cannot discount the possibility of a fourth Bersih gathering if the delimitation exercise is seen as being unfair,” he said.

Ong said the “Allah” issue would remain salient, at least for the first half of the year.

“If the Federal Court overturns the judgment of the Court of Appeal, then this issue will continue to be relevant.

“The impact on Sabah and Sarawak will be something to watch out for especially with the Sarawak state election due by 2016,” he added.
