Mais takes out ad, supports Jais action


The Selangor Islamic Religious Council, in a half-page press statement published by an English daily today, expressed support to the state Islamic department’s recent raid on the Bible Society of Malaysia.

(FMT) – The Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) today showed support for the state religious department’s (Jais) action to enter the Bible Society of Malaysia’s (BSM) business premises in Damansara Kim, Petaling Jaya and consequently seized Malay version copies of the Bible (Al Kitab) for using the word ‘Allah’.

In a half-page, bordered press statement in an English daily today, Mais president Mohamad Adzib Mohd Isa, said the inspection by Jais was done following complaints lodged by the public regarding the publication of the Al-Kitab, “wherein the name ‘Allah’ is in the Bible which if (it) is proven is an offence under Section 9 of the 1988 Enactment”.

“Pursuant to the provisions under the 1988 Enactment, Jais has the jurisdiction and power to investigate offenses committed by Muslims as well as Non-Muslims,” he said.

He was referring to the Non-Islamic Religions (Control of Propagation Amongst Muslims) Enactment.

He said Mais would like to emphasize that action by Jais was not initiated on the fact that the Bibles were printed in Malay but due to the name ‘Allah’ being used.

Mohamad Adzib also said he was disappointed with the “various inaccurate allegations” made by the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) chairman Samsudin Osman, and the media on the matter.

“The action by these parties is regrettable because they have made statements without finding out accurate facts.

“Mais also would like to highlight that Jais has no obligation to inform any parties regarding any inspection because it may hamper the investigation process,” he said.

“The recent action by Jais was done after Mais took a stance in its monthly meeting that Jais must act on the complaints lodged by the public with regards to the offences under Enactment 1988 or in other words to enforce the existing laws in Selangor.

“Jais’ action was merely to enforce the law which was enacted to prevent the propagation of other religious doctrine or belief amongst the Muslims,” he added.


