Don’t Blame Federal Government On “Kalimah Allah” Issue In Selangor – Jamil Khir


(MT) – All quarters should not point the accusing finger at the federal government over the enforcement of the “kalimah Allah” usage ban on non-Muslims in Selangor, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom.

He said all enforcement and related actions pertaining to syariah law came under the jurisdiction of the state government and the federal government had no power to interfere in the issue at the state level.

However, he said, the federal government upheld its stand of protecting the “kalimah Allah” at the federal level and cooperated closely with the state government by providing opinions and advice on safeguarding the sanctity of the holy word.

“I hope those who make various accusations against the (federal) government over the ‘kalimah Allah’ issue should understand clearly that to take any action under syariah law, the state government has the power to do so, like in cases of spreading deviant or syiah teachings,” he said, here, today.

Earlier, he opened the symposium on “Muamalah Islam ” at Al-Azim Mosque. Also present were Melaka Chief Minister Datuk Seri Idris Haron and Deputy Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Dr Abu Bakar Mohamad Diah.

Last month, the editor of the Catholic weekly, ‘The Herald’, Father Lawrence Andrew, said the Catholic churches in Selangor would continue using the word “Allah” at its weekly service in the Malay language although the Selangor Islamic Religious Department had sent a reminder on non-Muslims being prohibited from using the word.

In this regard, Jamil Khir urged the parties involved to stop accusing the federal government of trying to play up the “kalimah Allah” issue for political mileage.

He said all Muslims in this country, regardless of their political belief, should be united in facing elements that threatened the sanctity of Islam.

“Using the issue to blame others is not part of true Islamic teachings. As Muslims, we should be together in this and not be accusing each other,” he said.

