Selangor MB in the soup over water deal with Putrajaya

Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim

Hazlan Zakaria, The Ant Daily

While it made sense to be practical for the sake of the rakyat, Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim’s deal with Putrajaya to solve the state’s water supply impasse may paint a bull’s eye on him politically, as his own party has questioned the move.

On Jan 8 Khalid sent a letter expressing support for Putrajaya to take over water concessionaires in the state via the Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) after Selangor’s RM9.65 billion takeover offer to them fell through.

With the Dec 31, 2013 deadline to resolve matters over, Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water Datuk Seri Maximus Ongkili announced on Jan 9 that the government will intervene in the “national interest” as per Section 114 of the Water Services Industry Act 2006.

In his letter Khalid reportedly agreed for Putrajaya to also take control of the Langat 2 water treatment plant project that the state had once opposed and blocked by withholding its development order.

He agreed “in principle” to the Langat 2 project and joint takeover of state water assets with the federal government, if state GLC Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Bhd president Suhaimi Kamaralzaman and Menteri Besar Incorporated CEO Faekah Husin are appointed as administrators in the new Selangor consolidated water asset management.

In reaction to this, Selangor PKR secretary Amirudin Shari told reporters after an emergency meeting last weekend that the party is “concerned” over the decision to work hand in hand with the federal government to manage state water assets

He reportedly cited concerns that this may have “adverse” effects on the people.

Some in the party also questioned Khalid’s appointment of Faekah, who is also his aide, as an administrator of the soon-to-be-formed consolidated state water asset management body.

“Why Faekah? Why is she being made to be so powerful?” at least one party member reportedly asked.

Faekah has been the target of a character assassination campaign from within PKR, most notably by the poison pen Twitter account @PecatFaekah which has continued to pile reasons why they think she should be sacked.

Political observers believe that those attacking her may be from PKR factions aligned to party deputy president Azmin Ali who is in an open tussle with Khalid over state administration matters.

Others believe the feisty lawyer was actually sent over by party president Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail to watch over the state administration, as Faekah used to work with Wan Azizah before joining Khalid’s office.

However, she has proven to be loyal to Khalid and dedicated to his efforts to reform state governance more along corporate lines rather than political norms.

Taking state management away from political norms was one reason for the open skirmish between Azmin and Khalid, with the party deputy president said to be eyeing the MB post himself and wanting more party say in state matters and coffers.

Khalid, however, has been more “corporate” in his ways, placing the interests of the rakyat who are his “shareholders” and spending money only when it is needed.

