‘If Chinese are bribing, who’s taking?’


MACC should not label the Chinese as major corruption offenders because corruption involves both givers and takers, say DAP and MCA leaders.

Leven Woon, FMT

Leaders from both sides of the divide were in a rare chorus condemning the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) deputy chief Sutinah Sutan for profiling the Chinese as being the top corruption offenders in the country.

DAP vice chairman Teresa Kok and MCA Youth chief Chong Sin Woon said Sutinah’s statement was uncalled for because corruption involved both givers and takers.

“It might be true that Chinese businessmen bribe to get things done. But MACC forgot to mention about the recipient.

“If the Chinese is bribing, then who is the one receiving?” Teresa told FMT today.

She said that both the givers and takers have committed corruption offences and they must be brought to book.

The Seputeh MP said MACC should be given prosecution power and should be seen as really working towards “catching the big fish” in the sea of corruption.

“It seems that some high-profile individuals were charged before this, only to be released after the 13th general election,” she said.

No skin colour involved

Yesterday, Sutinah told the Oriental Daily that the Chinese topped the chart as the number of suspects arrested for giving ‘kickbacks’ over the past five years.

In 2012, Chinese made up 69.3% of the total number of persons caught (106 out of 153 individuals).


