Khalid: PKNS GM removed Azmin


( – The decision to drop PKR deputy president Azmin Ali from the PKNS board of directors was taken by its general manager Othman Omar and not the Selangor government, Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Abdul Ibrahim said.

Dismissing talk that Azmin was removed from the board of the Selangor State Economic Development Corporation (PKNS) in view of the upcoming party election, Abdul Khalid said that documents to prove this would be released in two weeks.

“We will produce a letter sent by the GM of PKNS and the exco meeting minutes on 4 Dec 2013 in about two weeks’ time, when the Official Secrets Act allows it to be released,” Abdul Khalid told a press conference at the state secretariat today.

He stressed that it was not the Selangor executive council that decided to drop Azmin and the decision was not made at the exco meeting.

“When PKNS gave him the letter and he accepted it, the exco too has to accept his termination,” said Abdul Khalid.

The Selangor menteri besar also said that Othman will not be retained as the PKNS general manager when his contract expires at the end of this month.

He said that Othman was on a monthly contract, which was not in the best interests of the state. Hence, the exco decided to find a replacement, said Abdul Khalid.

“It’s not very good to have a company’s general manager to be on a month-to-month contract renewal, because nobody is going to make any plans,” he said. Also, Abdul Khalid said, the state would seek candidates with the right temperament to manage a government corporation.

Replacing Othman is Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (KDEB) chief financial officer Azlan Md Alifiah, who is widely seen as being “MB friendly”.

