Why evade the real issue, Kit Siang?


Empire Strikes Back

Lim Kit Siang wrote this in his blog:

The Empire Strikes Back – and the plot for a putsch by reactionary anti-democratic forces thickens with the call for a return of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad to Putrajaya.

The blog by former Information Minister and one of Mahathir’s top propaganda minions, Tan Sri Zainuddin Maidin, for the return of Mahathir to Putrajaya to help the Barisan Nasional federal government “tackle raging racial, religious and economic issues” is not only a vote of no confidence in the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak but marks a new stage in the conspiracy and plot by reactionary anti-democratic forces in UMNO and the Barisan Nasional government for a putsch.


Lim Kit Siang’s reference to the Blog Empire Strikes Back (http://www.empirestrikesback.net/) and that this move is aimed at bringing Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad back into the government is a distraction from the main issue.

Empire Strikes Back has been instrumental in exposing the wrongdoings of DAP, in particular regarding the December 2012 party election and the September 2013 party re-election, both of which have violated not only the rules of the RoS but also the party’s own rules.

The fact that the RoS is taking action against DAP is because of more than a dozen complaint letters which the party’s own members and leaders sent to the RoS.

The complaints that the RoS received are as follows:


Mengapa mengelak dari isu sebenar, Kit Siang?

