‘Take ROS to court’, urges PMC

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DAP should be bold enough to take ROS to court in order to clear their legal status

Athi Shankar, FMT

The Penang Malay Congress (PMC) has backed DAP’s plan to challenge the Registrar of Societies (ROS) in court for not recognising the party’s central executive committee (CEC) re-election held on Sept 29 last year.

PMC president Rahmad Isahak said he hoped the DAP’s legal threat to seek a court review on ROS’ decision was not a routine political gimmick to stir public sentiments and sympathy.

As the biggest parliamentary opposition party in the country, he said the DAP’s legal status had come under the public’s scrutiny today.

He said public was observing the party closely since their CEC polls on Dec 15, 2012 was declared null and void by the ROS.

He further said that since the legal status of DAP has been hanging for the past 13 months, it was timely for them to sue the ROS to resolve the issue once and for all.

He said all decisions made by the leadership thereon remains invalid.

“Lay public is keen to know the status of DAP.

“We hope the DAP is not playing the innocent political victim poker game yet again.

“Hope this time DAP’s threat is for real.

“PMC supports DAP to sue ROS,” Rahmad told FMT when contacted.

Yesterday DAP’s national legal bureau chairman and Puchong MP, Gobind Singh Deo said that the party would challenge ROS in court over a letter sent to the party’s secretary-general Lim Guan Eng on Dec 6.

In the letter, ROS said it was not satisfied on how the re-election was conducted,and further refrained the CEC members from making any decisions for the party.

“The decision was made by the ROS without informing the DAP first that there were complaints against it in respect of the said re-election and details of the said complaints; not giving the DAP any opportunity to respond in its defence beforehand”, claimed Gobind.


