Jakim reminds Muslims to protect supremacy of Islam


(TMI) – Muslims have been reminded that it is their duty to support all efforts to position Islamic teachings as the policy of the country, and to safeguard Islam against any negative elements affecting the Malay community.

In its Friday sermon today, the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) told Muslims that they were expected to be aware of any agenda to reduce the supremacy of Islam.

“Realise before it’s too late. Our religion is under attack. Our faith is being threatened. Our pride is being challenged.

“Just imagine the ills that will befall us if people of the Islamic faith are not united to defend our religion. What about the faith of our children in the future,” the sermon said.

Jakim cited a recent statement by the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) declaring their support for the right of Christians to practise their faith and to use Bibles in all languages, including Malay and other indigenous languages of the country.

CFM, in its statement on Wednesday, had expressed concerns over escalating tensions by certain groups in respect of the use of the term “Allah” by Christians in Malaysia.

Last month, Catholic priest Rev Father Lawrence Andrew quoted Article 11 of the Federal Constitution which guaranteed freedom for each religion to manage its own affairs, and said churches in Selangor would continue to use “Allah” to in their Bahasa Malaysia mass.

In its sermon today Jakim asked: “Are we willing to allow our religion to be disgraced, ridiculed and continuously manipulated? Who else will defend Islam in our own country if not us?

“Remember, if believers are easily carried away without realising that the cancer was spreading among its victims, then the mind will be damaged, self-worth would be lost, and this would eventually bury power and self-respect.”


