Words that annoy!


KTemoc Konsiders

Currently there’s one word that annoys me enormously. No, it’s not ‘looes74’, wakakaka (actually I’m fond of him so you can call him my loverlooes, cium cium cium, wakakaka again), but believe it or not, the word is ‘calm’ as in ‘remain calm’ or ‘keep calm’ orWhateverTF calm’.

I had stated this, my bêtes noire (bugbear), in my Facebook some weeks ago because I was highly riled whenever I read of the word within a certain context – no, not as in ‘a calm sea’ or‘the calm before the storm’ etc.

The annoying ‘certain’ context would be when (and regrettably just too often) we have politicians or so-called national leaders (from both sides of the political fence) advising us to ‘remain calm’, even in situations which didn’t trouble us in the least. And if we were to be in situations which trouble us greatly, just how the hell would we be able to ‘remain calm’ when we would in all probability be anxious, worried and perhaps even sh*t-scared?

Thus such advice would be useless and worse, rather patronizing, as if we are budak-budak kecil to be calmed (f**k) … er … I mean …  soothed.

Yeah, why not tranquilize or sedate us instead, rather than give us the verbal dummy-pacifier! Can you blame us for spitting the dummy?

Apparently at the beginning of WWII (1939) the British Ministry of Information published a poster for the public to ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’.

It was the third in a series of 3 motivational posters, the other two being ‘Freedom Is In Peril. Defend It With All Your Might’and ‘Your Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution Will Bring Us Victory’.

You could argue the posters (maybe the one exhorting ‘cheerfulness’, wakakaka) worked because the Brits won the war … er … with a wee help (wakakaka) from the Yanks.

But the British public regarded them as, (my 2nd ‘believe it or not’, wakakaka) ‘… patronizing and divisive. Design historian Susannah Walker regards the campaign as “a resounding failure”, and reflective of a misjudgement by upper-class civil servants of the mood of the people.’ [from Wikipedia]

I say old chap, jolly good show and all that (wakakaka).


