Umno roadshows and burning of effigy are attacks against Christians, says Catholic leader

murphy pakiam

(TMI) – The Catholic Church broke its silence today over the burning of an effigy of Father Lawrence Andrew, the editor of the Catholic weekly, Herald and the Allah roadshows organised by Umno, saying that it is “tantamount to an attack against the Christian community”.

In a letter to Catholics in the Kuala Lumpur Archdiocese, Archbishop Emeritus Tan Sri Murphy Pakiam said that he was “deeply aggrieved and saddened” over the string of recent incidents following Andrew’s remark that Catholics would continue to use the word Allah despite a 1988 Selangor enactment banning them from doing so.

“It is deplorable that certain groups also wish to organise mega demonstrations and roadshows. These insensible actions by groups of persons have caused a great deal of unease, anxiety and even anger among Malaysians,” he said in the letter, which was read out in churches during the sunset mass today. The letter will also be read out in masses tomorrow.

Pakiam said the politicians who are either silent on the matter and others who are supporting attacks against the Christians, were only making things worse.

“The endorsement of such actions by certain political leaders and the unexplained silence of others only add fuel to a fire that seems to be spreading uncontrollably.

“We cannot accept or tolerate any group that promotes division, discord and disharmony in society,” said Pakiam.

He, however, said that it was heartening to see Malaysians, regardless of race and religion, who have stood up for the “cause of justice and peace”.

