Couple’s detention a ‘misunderstanding’

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PKR’s Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad says detention of Malaysian couple in Sweden for reportedly hitting a child stems from a ‘cultural misunderstanding’.

Lisa J. Ariffin, FMT

PKR’s Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad today said the detention of a Malaysian couple in Sweden for reportedly hitting one of their four children stemmed from a “cultural misunderstanding”.

“It appears that this case stems from a cultural misunderstanding,” said the Seri Setia state assemblyman said in a statement.

“We acknowledge the need to respect the law of the land but at the same time the host country should also be sensitive and proportionate in its application of the law,” he added.

Nik Nazmi said that the detention of Azizul Raheem Awaluddin, a director of Tourism Malaysia in Sweden and his wife Shalwati Nurshal for hitting their 12-year old child for not praying, is regrettable.

“This is compounded with the reports that the couple has been detained for over one month while their four children have been transferred to a non-Muslim foster home,” he said.

“The children have expressed their desire to be cared for by a Muslim family in their meeting with the Malaysian Embassy and Swedish Social Services. The present foster family too supports their wishes,” he added.

The Selangor state assembly deputy speaker then expressed appreciation for efforts made by various parties “in getting the approval for the relatives of the couple to meet the children”.

“I hope this issue is resolved soon for the sake of all the parties involved.”


