No quarter asked and none given


And if Anwar Ibrahim and PAS compromise on this issue they are out come next election. And if Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak compromises he is out even before the next election.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

(Bernama) – Everyone in this country should respect and uphold the advice of the Sultan of Kedah, Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah that the use of the word “Allah” is exclusively for Muslims.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom, said this was a basic matter in maintaining harmony and in respecting the sensitivities of the country’s plural society.

He said the word “Allah” had been gazetted for use only by Muslims as provided in the 1988 Enactment of all states.

“Taking into consideration that the matter has gone to court, I see the Sultan’s words to be in line with the Federal Constitution.”

“I hope everyone will obey the Sultan for the sake of harmony and in respecting religious sensitivities in this country,” he said at a press conference after visiting Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (SJKC) Yang Kao, Guar Chempedak, here, today.

Jamil reminded those who were dissatisfied to not stir up religious sentiments as the matter had been taken to the Federal Court.

“I hope everyone accepts the outcome according to the constitution and the law, and respect the decision of the Appeals Court recently that the word ‘Allah” is only for use by Muslims,” he said.

Jamil said Muslims should be united over the issue by setting aside their political differences.


I am not sure how many times I need to write this type of article before the message can sink into your dumb heads. I thought my latest series of articles (HERE, HERE and HERE) would have done the trick but apparently they have not.

Maybe today I should not write a lengthy analysis but instead write a short and hard article.

Well, in that case, he goes.

First, read the title of this article, ‘No quarter asked and none given’.

Do you Malay, Chinese and Tamil school graduates know what that means? It means there shall be no surrender and no prisoners will be taken.

In short, this is a duel to the death or last man standing.

“And, pray tell, what are you talking about?” you may ask.

Why, I am talking about the Allah word, of course. You can huff and you can puff and you can blow the house down but there is going to be no compromise on the Allah word.

And if Anwar Ibrahim and PAS compromise on this issue they are out come next election. And if Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak compromises he is out even before the next election.

The political survival of Najib, Anwar and PAS hinges on whether they ‘back down’ and ‘allow’ the Christians to win this ‘contest’.

Does this sound rational? Hey, I never said religion is rational. In fact, if you can remember, I did say so many times (at the irk of the Muslims) that logic cannot be applied to religion.

So there! Is this clear enough yet or do you still need another short and hard article?

