Anwar’s U-turn: ‘I never blamed Wisma Putra for Japan fiasco’


Anwar says he is uncertain if he was denied entry into Japan due to technicality or Wisma Putra’s interference.

Anisah Shukry, FMT

Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim today denied that he had blamed the Malaysian Foreign Ministry after Japanese immigration had refused him entry into the land of the rising sun last weekend.

He however said he was uncertain if he was barred from entering Japan due to a technical glitch or the Malaysian Foreign Ministry was behind it.

“I never said (BN was behind it). I said there were hidden hands, because the (Japanese) immigration office made reference to the latest report (when they barred my entry).

“So I said I want a clarification form both from the Japanese authorities and the Foreign Ministry of Malaysia on what was precisely the hidden report,” Anwar told reporters after the Pakatan Rakyat leadership council meeting today.

This “latest report”, according to Anwar, had been provided by the Malaysian government to Japan in 2013. Anwar claimed the immigration officer had referred to this report as the basis for denying him entry.

Contrary to this, the Japanese Embassy in Kuala Lumpur had clarified that Anwar was denied entry because of his failure to apply for a visa.

Although a visa for a Malaysian to enter Japan is unnecessary, the country insists on a visa for those who had previous criminal convictions.

The visitor is required to inform the Japanese authorities of his or her conviction. The country’s laws also provide the avenue for its immigration to bar anyone from entering the country without giving specific reasons.

“…they (the Japanese Immigration) told me it was based on the latest report from last year, meaning 2013. So, of course I wanted to know what the report was, but it was in Japanese and I did not understand a word,” said the PKR de facto leader.

Anwar went to Tokyo on the invitation of the Nippon Foundation chairman Yohey Sasakawa to present a paper on Muslim democrats.


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“In this regard, I demand an explanation from the Malaysian Minister of Foreign Affairs, in particular, as to what role Wisma Putra has played in this scandalous episode in respect of the so-called “latest report” that has purportedly led to my being forcibly evicted from Japan,” said Anwar.

“It is indeed inconceivable for one of the world’s leading democracies to take this unprecedented action under such tenuous grounds and leaves me with the impression that hidden hands may be at work here,” Anwar stressed, adding that he was denied his legitimate rights to travel freely without let or hindrance by the Japanese government.


