Lim to BN: Meet us for the sake of M’sia

(FMT) – DAP veteran leader Lim Kit Siang today expressed hope that the Barisan Nasional Supreme Council which meets tomorrow night will give a favourable response to the proposal by Pakatan Rakyat for the two parties to meet to discuss national issues.

And pending a positive outcome, Lim said, BN and Pakatan should form a joint summit secretariat comprising three representatives each to decide on the summit’s date, place and agenda.

“I hope that the BN Supreme Council will give a positive response to the Pakatan proposal for a summit of the leaders of both coalitions to assure Malaysians that there could not be another May 13 riots,” said the Gelang Patah MP in a statement today.

He said the joint summit was important as there were “irresponsible and reckless elements seeking to incite racial and religious hatred, conflict and tension to create the conditions for another May 13 in the country”.

He added that the proposal by the Pakatan stem from their love and patriotism to Malaysia.

“I hope that the BN leaders could be similarly motivated by their love and patriotism to Malaysia to give a positive response to hold the first BN-Pakatan Leaders’ Summit in the nation’s history.

“I am sure that all Malaysians look forward to the successful holding of the first BN-Pakatan Leaders’ Summit,” he added.

He also said that Pakatan leaders have proposed the agenda to assure Malaysians that there could not be another May 13.

