PM: 10-point deal not above state, federal laws


(MM) – Putrajaya’s 10-point solution on the “Allah” row is still subject to existing state and federal laws, Datuk Seri Najib Razak said today, confirming his government’s hands-off approach to the ongoing debacle in Selangor.

The prime minister pointed out that laws on the usage of “Allah” differ from one state to another but noted that there are “no such enactments” in the case of Sabah and Sarawak.

“The supreme council is aware of the 10-point agreement by the government but the agreement itself is subject to federal and state laws,” he told reporters after chairing the Umno supreme council meeting this evening.

“This means that if a state has an enactment, that means it is subject to the enactment on the state level,” the prime minister added.

But in Sabah and Sarawak, which Najib listed as states without specific enactments to bar non-Muslim usage of the “Allah” word, faith followers there “may continue their practice as usual.”

“And no party needs to intimidate any other parties,” Najib said.

