DAP lodges police report against Fong over missing fund

Fong Pau Teck

(Borneo Post) – The DAP Miri branch has lodged a report for police reference against its secretary Pujut assemblyman Fong Pau Teck yesterday for misappropriation of RM30,000 from its coffers.

The report alleged that Fong and the treasurer had signed two cheques of RM 50,000 and RM30,0000 respectively in November last year.

The RM 50,000 was returned to the party but the remaining RM30,000 is still unaccounted for.

However, the DAP Miri branch refused to comment on the report when contactedyesterday while Deputy Miri OCPD Supt Stanley Jonathan Ringgit said the police had not commenced any investigation on the report.

Meanwhile, Fong when contacted said he could not comment on the report because he had not seen the report yet and in fact did not know anything about it.

“For DAP Miri, only the chairman, the secretary and the treasurer have the authority to issue any cheque.

“For every cheque from DAP Miri, two out of the three signatures are required. As the secretary, I am one of the signatories.

“I have signed many cheques but I don’t know which cheque was now in question. Actually, I have no idea what is actually going on,” said Fong.

