PAS Dewan Ulama chief Harun Taib dies

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(The Star) – PAS Dewan Ulama chief Datuk Harun Taib died at around 12am Saturday due to heart complications.

PAS information administrative officer Mohd Shahir Abu Hassan confirmed the news, saying that the former Manir assemblyman died at Sultanah Nur Hazirah Hospital in Kuala Terengganu.

“He has not woken up since he was admitted to the hospital yesterday,” he said when contacted.

It was reported on Friday that Harun, 70, was unconscious before he was sent to the hospital.

Harun had been one of the most vocal voices in the party who were against non-Muslims using the word ‘Allah’ to refer to their God.

At the last PAS muktamar (annual general assembly), he had also called the party to review its political affiliation (tahaluf siyasi) with its Pakatan Rakyat partners, DAP and PKR.

The funeral will be held at Markaz Tarbiyah Kubang Lembik at 10am on Saturday.

