Call for national consensus: ‘Is Anwar sincere?’


BN leaders hope the Opposition Leader’s call to reach a national consensus on crucial issues is sincere

Lisa J. Ariffin, FMT

Barisan Nasional leaders have collectively welcomed Anwar Ibrahim’s call for all Malaysians to reach a national consensus on crucial issues that impact the sub-stratum of the nation’s identity.

However, the BN leaders remained cautious as to whether the Opposition Leader’s “prevention is better than cure” suggestion was sincere or fueled by political ambitions.

“On principle, I agree with the need for national consensus on key issues. We should definitely go beyond party politics and put national interest first,” MIC central working committee member S Murugesan told FMT.

“However, I suspect that currently Anwar is unable to make clear stand on certain key issues. His popularity will be affected if he takes a stand either way,” he lamented.

“Leaving his (Anwar’s) motive aside, it is a good time as any to go beyond party politics and it will be good for major political parties to sit together and have understanding as to general direction of the country,” he added.

MCA deputy president Wee Ka Siong echoed his BN colleague’s sentiments and urged Anwar to “show his sincerity” in extending the olive branch to the ruling coalition.

“He has to show sincerity, then we have no problem with leaders on both sides to sit down and discuss,” Wee said.

“I hope it (Anwar’s statement) is not something rhetoric and that it is followed by action.

“We know Anwar too well. He needs to prove his sincerity for there to be constructive leadership,” he added.


