Kajang by-election: Don’t compare us to BN says PKR vice president


(The Star) – As criticism continues to pile on PKR because of the political horse trading in Selangor, one of its vice presidents said that equating the party to Barisan Nasional was ridiculous.

N. Surendran, who is also Padang Serai MP said that they expected reaction to the political developments but that some of these criticisms were extreme and unfair.

“It is ridiculous to compare us to them,” he told the Star Online on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, Datuk Sri Anwar Ibrahim was announced as the candidate for the upcoming Kajang by- election after it’s assemblyman Lee Chin Cheh sent in his resignation the day before.

This led to speculation that Anwar would take over the Mentri Besar’s post currently held by Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim if he wins the by-election.

Many Pakatan supporters were angry with PKR and said they were no different to the country’s ruling party. They showed their displeasure on various social networking platforms.

Surendran was also disappointed that electoral watchdog Bersih had compared Lee to former Jelapang assemblyman Hee Yit Foong who resigned from DAP back in 2009, sparking a constitutional crisis.

“That is like comparing apples and oranges. Lee resigned from his seat while Hee jumped ship. That was an utter betrayal,” he said.

Surendran believed that the people would eventually accept their explanations and would continue supporting the party.

“PKR is still a party of reform and a model party for the future. As the most multiracial mass party, it gives hope to all Malaysians. Which other party is like us?” he said adding that it’s coalition partners were trying to move in that direction.

He believed that the Kajang citizens would also want Anwar representing them.

He also claimed that the problems between Khalid and Azmin Ali were being sensationalized by the mainstream media.

When asked about the performance of Khalid, Surendran admitted that he had done a good job and that people were happy with him.

“Khalid is a good Mentri Besar who made Selangor good finances. He is also completely incorruptible,” he said.

Surendran however said that factionalism was inevitable in party politics and that it happened all over the world.

“Politicians by nature are ambitious. There is bound to be bickering. We are not perfect and there is bound to be more mistakes. The most important thing is our heart is at the right place,” he said.


Rafizi Ramli

Kajang by-election: Netizens dismissive of Rafizi’s apology

Netizens have dissmissed Rafizi Ramli’s apology on Wednesday for the by-election in Kajang.

Charles Furfur Lee, in response to the statement by PKR Information Chief, said ” Owhh just shut up already. You guys are no different than the ones you kutuk (insult).

Wan Zul said ” I always thought Rafizi is different from other politicians who treat us like idiots. Apparently I’m wrong. Shame on you Rafizi.”

Many also expressed that they feel used and that the welfare of the people has not been taken into consideration by the politicians.

Izzati Maamor commented “Two wrongs don’t make a right. You treat rakyat like a pawn. Rakyat has gone through enough difficulties.”

While Kuan Ki Kok said no matter what explanation/excuse PKR had, it is not ‘keadilan’ (fair) to the Rakyat anymore.

In addition to that many were amused by the words of Rafizi, relating the situation to Winston Churchill and said that he could not justify the situation by relating it to the past, which occurred in Europe.

Napsiah Wan Salleh commented, ” What has Churchill got to do with Kajang’s turn of events? And the people of Europe then, were not responsible for the acts of Neville Chamberlain, so how could Rafizi deduce that the sentiments of the Europeans then was to appease Hitler?

While, Megat Ishak said “Its comedy hour here!! Churchill?! Nazis??! What relevance is that? Are we under threat from Nazis?

Some others also expressed that the party (PKR) has disappointed the people, and have lost the trust of the people.

Michael Lee said “Bunch of liars. After all the support the Malaysians have given to PKR. Never PKR again.”

Atan Jamil said “After this episode, who is there left for us to believe?”

On Wednesday, Rafizi had made an apology for the by-election in Kajang, disclosing that he was one of the primary reasons for the event to take place.

The Pandan MP also said that good political leaders will never be popular and it pains him that PKR have to drag Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim through this and subject him to public anger.

“The conviction of doing the right thing, in the face of extreme criticism and public anger, remains a yardstick of what an honest leadership is,” said Rafizi.

