Kajang Sate


KTemoc Konsiders

The word ‘sate’ in my post title is not an Indonesian spelling for ‘satay’ but an English word, pronounced as ‘seyt’. It means ‘to fill to excess; surfeit; glut’.

Perhaps a better equivalent word would be ‘satiate’ which means ‘to supply with anything to excess, so as to disgust or weary’, wakakaka, and I’m sure by now you get my ‘sate’ stick vis-a-vis Kajang.
In my previous post The Chaos that is PKR I wrote that Lee Chin Cheh of PKR has by his totally indefensible and unwarranted resignation from being ADUN for the Kajang state constituency (N25) betrayed kau kau the Kajang voters’ trust, confidence in and expectation of him.

Bloke was elected by Kajang-ites to be their state representative, their ‘voice’ in the Selangor DUN (state parliament), just a mere 8 months ago. Now he has abandoned them.

And just for what did he resign and mess up the political peace and tranquility of Kajang?
For the personal interests of some PKR warlords!

Yes, I view Lee’s politically drastic move, a gross betrayal of Kajang-ites, had been just for the personal ambitions and gratifications of PKR warlords! His party! A party affair! F**k the rakyat!

Look mateys, everyone knows that Lee’s resignation has been related to PKR’s intra-party political-fratricidal internecine feud between Khalid Ibrahim and Azmin Ali.

The bull about Lee’s resignation from and Anwar Ibrahim’s contesting of the Kajang state seat that comes from some PKR mouths have been of brain-baffling balderdash poppycock, indeed of Gargantuan proportions, …..

….. telling and expecting us, like country bumpkins who naively believe in our leaders, to swallow the bull dust that PKR, by resigning from the Kajang state seat and then re-contesting that same seat, will (perhaps by the combined power of Odin, Zeus and Osiris) strengthen or save Pakatan in Selangor (both versions exist), prepare Pakatan for Putrajaya, promote international investment (WTF then has Anwar been doing as Selangor’s economic advisor?), prepare Pakatan from Armageddon when Mahathir ousts Najib, resurrect the Dodo bird, Formosan clouded leopard and Tasmanian tiger, and allow us to contact the ghosts of Nelson Mandela, Princess Diana and Mat Kilau for 4-Ekor (the last will definitely be a fave with Chinese voters in Kajang, wakakaka).


