Hindraf misusing Malaysian Indians to gain popularity

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Joginder Ranni

Hindraf was an organisation led by 5 lawyers and a few strong members who wanted the government of Malaysia to stop marginalising Malaysian Indians. In 2008, they conducted a Malaysia tour campaign against the BN government. It was a great success. BN lost its 2/3 majority in the parliament.

The strong pillar of Hindraf was Uthayakumar Ponnusamy, Kengatharan, Manoharan Malayalam, Ganapathi Rao, Vasantha Kumar and Waythamoorthy Ponnusamy. When the UMNO-led government arrested the 5 Hindraf members under ISA, Mr. Waythamoorthy fled to the UK for a safer situation so that he could run the show. Mr. Thanendran (the president of Makkal Sakti Party) was appointed to run the show on behalf of Waythamoorthy. Later, Thanendran joined BN after some misunderstanding.

Before the 5 Hindraf members of Hindraf were released by BN, Uthayakumar and his brother Waytha sidelined the rest of the leaders so that they could hijack the organisation. Vasantha and Ganapathi Rao were labelled as Special Branch officers to remove them from the organisation. Slowly, all 4 of them were removed. There are now only 2 leaders. Waytha could not work together with his brother Uthaya so he then sidelined his brother. Waytha reduced Hindraf’s key players by labelling them Special Branch officers and mandores. Mr. Waytha used his tactics to remove members who were against his policies and kept the movement under his control.

Mr. Waytha’s movement was given a green light to register before the Hindraf blueprint MoU discussion. They registered the body as Persatuan Hindraf Malaysia formerly known as Hindraf Makkal Sakthi. When Mr. Waytha entered Malaysia from exile, he announced that Hindraf belongs to all Malaysian Indians regardless of political parties. To date, the membership has never been open to any Malaysian Indians. They kept the membership for the people who can say ‘yes boss’. Mr. Waytha sold all the Malaysian Indians’ dignity to get his dream post in government.

Mr. Waytha’s ‘yes boss’ group was campaigning to the whole of Malaysia saying that Pakatan Rakyat is cheating the Malaysian Indians and they are not willing to sign the MoU. Now, logically, why are you still sitting in the Barisan Nasional coalition even though you know that they are not giving anything as promised? Where are the Hindraf comrades such as Ganesan (Naragan), Sambulingam, Ramesh, Tamilselvan, Sivakumar and Mohan? The ‘yes boss’ gang are hiding behind Waythamoorthy and they have no voice to go beyond their boss. This is what Mr. Waytha created from the beginning so that Hindraf members don’t go beyond his control.

Sambulingam and Naragan were giving rhetoric speeches and media statements around Malaysia that they will deliver the promises to Malaysian Indians. So what happened to your promises? 56 years the racist UMNO government did not entertain all of you. Nothing has changed. Soon we will have the Kajang by-election. Are you going to campaign for your UMNO bosses?

Naragan the advisor, Sambu the vice president, Ramesh the vigorous secretary, Tamilselvam who is a strong pillar in the Selangor team and Sivakumar who is the hardcore N. Sembilan leader – where is your stand when your boss Mr. Waytha keeps Malaysian Indians’ life in deep hell? Are your team members still upholding human rights and democracy? Remember, Malaysian Indians are not with you any more. Your boss and his whole team cannot use Malaysian Indians to get benefits. All this while Hindraf used the name of Human Rights to fail Malaysian Indians. Mr. Naragan, you should resign as the advisor because you are advising the whole organization in the wrong direction.

Mr. Waytha should resign from his post for misusing Malaysian Indians’ plight. We see the whole group as drama players. Hindraf’s blueprint was the key point to join BN but that didn’t open any doors for Malaysian Indians. Najib, Indians will not vote for BN in the coming Kajang by election. UMNO, your days are numbered. Hindraf is begging UMNO’s mercy but is voiceless.

If Mr. Waytha does not resign from the position and as a Hindraf leader and Deputy Minister, I will bring more truth and secrecy of the great Hindraf to the media.

