So who will be dropped?


Currently, the Selangor Menteri Besar is from PKR, the Speaker from DAP, and the Deputy Speaker also from PKR. There are ten EXCO Members — four from PAS and three each from PKR and DAP. 


Raja Petra Kamarudin

PAS leader Khalid Samad said that even if Anwar Ibrahim does win the Kajang by-election he would not be replacing Khalid Ibrahim as the Selangor Menteri Besar. (READ HERE). However, there is a possibility that Anwar would be appointed an EXCO Member.

Currently, the Selangor Menteri Besar is from PKR, the Speaker from DAP, and the Deputy Speaker also from PKR. There are ten EXCO Members — four from PAS and three each from PKR and DAP.

This would mean that if Anwar is appointed an EXCO Member then one of the three from PKR would be dropped and it would have to be a Malay so that the six Malays, three Chinese and one Indian ratio/quota can be maintained. This would therefore have to be either Rodziah Ismail or Dr Daroyah Alwi.

This, however, would reduce the ratio/quota of four-six females-males to just three-seven females-males, which makes sense since all three EXCO Members from PKR are females anyway.

Is this what is going to happen? But how would that look for a Deputy Prime Minister who is now just the Opposition Leader being further demoted to just an EXCO Member?

PKR has just three slots of EXCO Member seats to play around with. They can, of course, ask PAS to surrender one EXCO Member seat (since they have four) and then compensate PAS with the post of Deputy Menteri Besar. But that would involve getting the consent of His Highness the Sultan who in the past already rejected the idea of a Selangor Deputy Menteri Besar.

Interesting indeed.


PKR too presumptuous in Selangor Exco line-up?


‘…PAS and DAP with a combined 30 assemblypersons nominated Khalid Ibrahim as their preferred candidate for the MB position. Their preference was further endorsed by Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, the party president of PKR, a fortuitous endorsement for some in PKR because it eventually and unwittingly provided a face-saving way out for those against Khalid Ibrahim becoming MB. ‘

But what occurred next ripped the breath of many away as PKR Wanita chief, Zuraida Kamaruddin, unbelievably told DAP and PAS pointedly to stay out on the Selangor MB appointment because, now get this, the post belonged to PKR and it was for the party alone to decide which of its assemblypersons should be MB. It that was not of ketuanan magnitude, I don’t know what would then be.

In a media interview she exclaimed whether the PAS and DAP state assemblypersons were gila kuasa (power crazy), without even recognising the irony of her accusations.

Mind you, those PAS and DAP assemnblypersons had nominated a PKR person to be MB, not one of their own party members.

When the election results show that both PAS and DAP have won 15 state seats each, while PKR could only manage 14, it was agreed that both former parties’ share of the exco shall be increased from what they had in the previous state parliamentary session, namely from three to four each. But PKR would of course hold the MB position, one worth at least the equivalent of two exco members, and of course the remaining two exco positions.

It would have been a happy and equitable sharing of positions of the equivalent of four each.

But alas, that was not to be, on the alleged basis that the exco must reflect appropriate racial breakdown, where there have to be six Malay excos to four non-Malay members. Sadly, it seems that race continues to dominate virtually every aspects of our everyday lives, even among the subjects of His Royal Highness (HRH) the Sultan of Selangor. The requirement was attributed by Khalid Ibrahim and subsequently by PAS’ Khalid Samad to a royal requirement, to wit, that of HRH. ‘

I tried to find out more to see if there was any justification in the accusation or at least satisfy myself as to why PKR is able to assume a dominant role in Selangor like before.

Briefly, Selangor State Exco consists of:

MB: Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim (PKR – Port Klang)

Speaker: Hannah Yeoh (DAP- Subang Jaya)

Timbalan Speaker: Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad (PKR – Seri Setia)

1) Iskandar Samad (PAS – Chempaka)

2) Dr Halimah Ali (PAS – Selat Klang)

3) Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi (PAS – Sijangkang)

4) Sallehen Mukhyi (PAS – Sabak)

5) Datuk Teng Chang Khim (DAP – Sungai Pinang)

6) Ean Yong Hian Wah (DAP – Seri Kembangan)

7) V Ganabatirau (DAP – Kota Alam Shah)

8) Rodziah Ismail (PKR – Batu Tiga)

9) Elizabeth Wong Keat Ping (PKR – Bukit Lanjan)

10) Dr Daroyah Alwi (PKR – Sementa)

Depending on how we view it, if including MB, Speaker and Deputy Speaker, PKR certainly has the lion share of 5 positions; DAP 4; and PAS 4. Racially: Malays 8 (PKR 4 and PAS 4); Chinese 4 (DAP 3 and PKR 1); and Indian 1 (DAP).

Without MB, S and DS, PAS has 4; PKR 3 and DAP 3, out of the 10 Exco positions.

Racially: Malays 6 (PAS 4 and PKR 2); Chinese 3 (DAP 2 and PKR 1) and 1 Indian (DAP).

We must be reminded of the fact that though PKR has less ADUNs than either PAS or DAP by one seat, PKR has 9 MPs in Selangor, which is more than twice that of PAS’s and PKR’s 4 each. Though this should not have any bearing at all when considering state exco seat allocation, in terms of popular votes, PKR certainly has the most, when total votes of parliamentary and state seats are combined.

PR-PKR………887,937….25.36% 14 ADUNs  and  9 MPs

PR-PAS………637,052….18.19% 15 ADUNs and 4 MPs

PR-DAP……..564,718….16.13% 15 ADUNs and 4 MPs

PR Selangor..2,089,707…59.68%  44 ADUNs and 17 MPs   




BN-Gerakan..  54,002……1.54%

BN-PPP………. 5,602…….0.16%

BN Selangor………1,365,639….39.00% 12 ADUNs  and 5 MPs   


Total………….3,501,546..100.00%..56 ADUNs 22 MPs

READ MORE HERE: Selangor saga shows PKR’s ketuanan mentality?

