This is the same as the Pakatan Rakyat mentality


Can we go by the book? And Pakatan Rakyat of all people should be the one most interested in going by the book since their main grievance is that Barisan Nasional and Umno do not go by the book and violate the laws every step of the way. 


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Raja Petra Kamarudin (former Muslim): Testimony of Leaving Islam

The following is a testimony of a Muslim leaving Islam.

The testimony was originally posted at the FFI Forum and has been reproduced here with permission.

Views contained in testimonies of former Muslims are not necessarily endorsed by WikiIslam.



There is an article I wrote (in fact, I wrote many such articles) where I criticised the conduct of Muslims. And WikiIslam has taken this as my testimony of leaving Islam.

Since I criticise Muslims then I am an apostate who has left Islam. Since I criticise Pakatan Rakyat leaders then I am a turncoat who has joined Umno.

That is how the minds of simple-minded people work without exception whether they are Malays, Chinese, Indians, Mamaks, Chindians, Portuguese, or ‘others’.

For that matter, one of the charges listed on my ISA Detention Order in September 2008 was that I had insulted Islam when in actual fact I had just criticised the conduct of Muslims.

I really don’t care two hoots whether people regard me as a Sunni, Shia, Salafi, Ismaili, Catholic, Protestant, New Wave Religionist, Agnostic, Atheist, Pagan, Druidic, or whatever. Do I bother whether you and your sex partner or spouse indulges in normal, anal, oral or kinky/fetish sex? So why do you care whether I pray to the sun, moon or tree?

Okay, since I have been identified and labelled as an apostate, why not we go all the way with this?

As a libertarian I am of the opinion that if Christians want to use the term ‘Jesus the Son of Allah’ in the Malay Bible then that is their prerogative to do so. No one can tell someone else what that person can or cannot do. It is a matter of personal choice. After all, the Muslims can even contradict the Christians and call Muhammad the Last Prophet even though the Christians do not believe that Muhammad is a Prophet and believe that Jesus was this last Prophet.

So that settles the issue of theology. Now let us go to the issue of the law.

In spite of me agreeing that Christians should not be barred from doing what they please based on personal choice, there is still the matter of the law and since Pakatan Rakyat has been the one screaming the loudest about how the government does not respect the law then Pakatan Rakyat should set a good example by respecting the law.

And the law, which is a civil law and not Sharia law, was passed in 1988 forbidding Christians from using Allah and about two-dozen other words. This is a state enactment that will require the Selangor State Assembly to repeal. So let Pakatan Rakyat bring this to the Selangor State Assembly and get this law repealed. Then no one can do anything about the Christians using Allah.

Can we go by the book? And Pakatan Rakyat of all people should be the one most interested in going by the book since their main grievance is that Barisan Nasional and Umno do not go by the book and violate the laws every step of the way.

So there you have it. Theologically speaking, I support the Christians using Allah in the Bible. Legally speaking, get that law that bars Christians from using Allah repealed. And this must be done by the Selangor State Assembly, that same State Assembly that passed this enactment and made it the law in the first place.

