‘We don’t want Anwar-Nalla boxing match’

KS Nallakaruppan

BN leaders and Kajang folks give a big NO to Nallakaruppan

K. Pragalath, FMT

Even though Malaysian Indian United Party president KS Nallakaruppan leads a BN friendly party, Umno and the local people in Kajang are not in the mood to welcome him.

“Thanks for the offer Nallakaruppan but you are not suitable for Kajang.  We don’t want Kajang to be a boxing promotion ground between PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim and Nallakaruppan,” said Sungai Kantan Umno branch chairman, Said Mat Saman today.

He said this in reference to Nallakaruppan’s offer yesterday to contest against Anwar in the Kajang by-election.

Said added that the people want more growth and development compared to what Nallakaruppan wants to say about his former tennis partner Anwar.

Hulu Langat MCA division chief Lee Ban Seng also was not happy but stopped short of criticizing Nallakaruppan.

“Kajang is traditionally a MCA seat. I don’t want to comment further,” he said.

Nallakaruppan who is also a senator had said that he wished to reveal the secrets of Anwar to the Kajang voters.

He also said that he would discuss with Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, who is also BN chairman, to allow him  to contest in Kajang.

X’ for Anwar, No to Nalla

Sentiments against Nallakaruppan also reverberated from the ground.  Some people openly declared their support for Anwar.

“I am putting an ‘X’ for Anwar.  Nalla would not get any votes ” said 43-year-old taxi driver T Sakaran.

Another taxi driver, M Krishnan, 39, had this to say about the MIUP leader: “Tell Nallakaruppan to buzz off of from Kajang.”


