No sex please…. We are PKR

no sex please we are pkr

Another Brick in the Wall

“No Sex Please … We are British” was a 1970s play about a Bank Manager with a young wife who send for a mail order of Scandanivanian glassware.

However, he ended up getting a stream of pornography, photographs, books, films and eventually girls. The hilarious part of the play, which was made into a film, was the attempt to get rid of the embarassing paraphenalia.

Before making any guess that this posting is more sexual expose on the sexual escapade of Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, please read on because your guess could be wrong.

Talk of Anwar’s homosexuality must have started sometimes in the mid-1990s when his political career took a meteoric rise when he did a blitzkrieg to takeover late Tun Ghaffar Baba position as Deputy President UMNO and Deputy Prime Minister.

It became public coincidentally in the midst of the financial crisis and the Kuala Lumpur Commonwealth Games.

Since then, any election involving Anwar or PKR or other Pakatan Rakyat parties, his homosexual court cases and extramarital sexual escapades will be made into an issue to question his moral standing and integrity.

Kajang by-election will be no exception and expect it to be another bi-election like Permatang Pauh in 2009.

This time, the ex-Keadilan started the first salvo with their statements that got frontpage coverage in Utusan Malaysia.

They claim the Kajang “bi-election” is merely Anwar’s attempt to delay his sodomy case at the Court of Appeal.

Part of it was touched in our past posting here.

Subsequently, UMNO Chief of Information, Dato Ahmad Maslan repeated the same message uttered to emphasize that Anwar is running in the “bi-election” to seek ways to escape his sodomy trial.

Then news reported effort to gather 3,000 former Adil or PKR members to campaign against Anwar in Kajang. Former tennis partner and provider of speacial services to Anwar back then, Dato Nallakaruppan announced his intention to run as candidate.

When the news of the resignation of  the PKR Kajang state assemblymen followed by Anwar’s announcement to run, there was widespread resentment.

Certain faction among the liberals within the pro-opposition fold, PAS and DAP supporters have legitimate issues against the necessity of Anwar and PKR for holding the by-election and his interest to assume the position of MB.

Till today, Rafizi has not been able to give a proper reason and Anwar has to step in to convince his supporters on the reason for the removal of Tan Sri Khalid as Selangor Menteri Besar and replaced by himself.

There is also Anwar’s ability to govern and administer. When he was a Federal Minister till assuming the Minister of Finance position, most in the know see Anwar as only a Ministry spokesman and deliverer of prepared speech.

IF not for the support of Tun Dr Mahathir and Tun Daim Zainuddin to guide him, Anwar would have been worse than Dato Hasan Malek.

However, these former foe turned allies seemed to be only concerned for his overdeveloped libido.

Anwar merely brushed aside that predicatable line of attack by saying he will not delve into personal character attack. The Malaysian Insider’s reported:


