Tweeting it out in PKR?


A very recent exchange on the popular social media Twitter between Parti Keadilan Rakyat’s activist Nathaniel Tan and the party’s strategy director Rafizi Ramli had led to the latter challenging the former to reveal how much he had benefitted financially  during his stint at the Selangor Mentri Besar office.

The tweets that were exchanged between the two young PKR men were quite heated that it caught the attention of those on cyberspace. Some of the exchanges even seemed to accuse each other of indulging in unethical practices.

The following were among the tweets between Tan and Rafizi

Rafizi’s tweet read :

So long you don’t dare to disclose how u benefitted financially from MB Office, u remain an interested party with an axe to grind.

Tan’s response :

if i did have an axe to grind, wldn’t i be grinding it against the people who fired me? instead of supporting them?

Then Rafizi responded:

You can’t be going around on high horse when u r an interested party who benefitted financially from the MB Office

Then Tan’s tweet read :

in the meantime boss, you continue to attack everyone’s credibility, yet do not address the core issues satsifactorily :_(

Rafizi’s tweet read :

“I don’t attack everyone’s credibility, I am questioning yours. You can’t preach honesty & transparency when u r dishonest

Tan’s tweet read :

“to test my honesty, divulge the information mentioned earlier. if i then divulge mine, i am honest. if i dont, i am dishonest

Rafizi replied :

For transparency, disclose total pay package, ur job scope, ur contribution to Selangor gov. Let’s all be transparent 😉

Tan said oO? divulge sgorku grant to NOW, renumeration & job scope for: OSEA CEO, muaz, eekmal, hilman, & i promise i will divulge mine

Although no body was involved directly with the tweets but many from both political divides are monitoring it.


