Anwar, the next MB of Selangor?


Zaid Ibrahim

In my last post I alluded to the chronic power struggle between PKR factions in Selangor, and the palpable helplessness of the Pakatan Rakyat coalition when it comes to resolving this issue under Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s leadership. I was even generous in suggesting that Anwar had to step into Selangor’s political power play to mediate and resolve the Pakatan’s woes, so coalition members could act and speak with one voice.

We have now received confirmation that Anwar himself may want to assume the position of Menteri Besar, replacing Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim. Obviously, the gear has shifted. Not only must Anwar be in the Selangor State Assembly, he must also be MB. Perhaps becoming MB had always been part of the plan?

So what is this song and dance about political challenges being so complicated and insurmountable that only Superman Anwar can resolve them? What complex political games are threatening the life of the Pakatan Rakyat in Selangor? Unless Anwar and the coalition’s strategist Rafizi Ramli can explain in simple terms what these are, then I think they are obviously just a ruse.

There is no complicated political challenge and no web of intrigue so convoluted that Anwar needs to be Menteri Besar. If the positions of Ketua Umum PKR and Prime-Minister-in -waiting are not enough to deal with these issues, what is it about the MB’s post that can make a difference?  These so-called explanations for why Anwar has to be MB are contrived and untrue. The “justifications” are all about trying to hoodwink the people of Selangor into believing that there are good reasons why Khalid has to be replaced.  In truth, they all part of a coup d’état by PKR to replace Khalid as Menteri Besar. How wrong I was to call on PAS and DAP to support Anwar’s candidacy, when all Anwar wanted was to be MB.

I hope Anwar is man enough to declare that he will not be Menteri Besar, so people can believe what he had said about his entry as Selangor State Assemblyman being necessary to deal with the political challenges in Selangor. PAS and DAP must make a similar public stand and say they will not support Anwar as MB candidate and that Khalid will continue to administer the State. Anything less will make the Pakatan a laughing stock in the eyes of Malaysians who are tired of political intrigue by their leaders.

