Paying for the sly innuendo


It is unbecoming of an MP to produce a video that is insensitive

Narinder Singh, FMT

Teresa Kok deserves a ‘slap’, no doubt about it, maybe not physically but definitely on her bloated ego. Her arrogance has shrouded her ability to reason, act and think as a politician.

As a member of parliament from DAP, she for sure had no grounds to produce and ‘act’ in her Chinese New Year video that went viral on the net.

It is shameful that DAP’s top leaders have defended her video, citing it was not seditious in any manner. It is disgusting that the very same DAP that goes around the nation boasting of being a champion for all races had stooped so low in condoning a video that had belittled the nation grossly.

DAP had always lamented that Barisan Nasional is the leader of gutter politics but with Kok’s video, I wonder what sort of politics they practice now?

The DAP has proven beyond doubt that it is nothing more than another group of humans who will do anything to achieve its desires, which is to take over the governing of the country at all cost.

Kok’s video unveiled the camouflaged image of DAP, a party that respects no other race but only thinks for the Chinese.

Kok’s argument that the video did not mention any names, in her defence, is really insulting the intelligence of all Malaysians. It is crystal clear that Kok was making sly innuendos, hitting below the belt of certain individuals and the Malays in particular.

Come on, we are not that dumb not to understand her cunning message to the nation.

As a politician and an elected rep, she lacked maturity and wisdom in sending out the message she really intended to during the festive season.

It was distasteful and sour to do so on an auspicious occasion like the Chinese New Year (CNY). Kok just wanted to show how the Chinese in Malaysia think that they are far superior in Malaysia than other races.

No doubt, all is not well in the nation but for her to ridicule the people of Malaysia blatantly completely defies logic when she is also a citizen of the country. Is she implying via the video that since she is a Chinese descendent, she has the right to denigrate other races during Chinese New Year?


