Teresa Kok is being hypocritical


FMT LETTER: From Huan Cheng Guan, via e-mail

As a MP for Seputeh, Teresa Kok must realise that as an elected leader, she has the responsibility of upholding values and ethics that sow the seeds for unity and not dissension. In the hullabaloo arising from her controversial Chinese New Year video clip, Kok clearly used satire to bypass political censorship in her rendition of political criticism. Those in the video clip not only insult via subtle innuendos, alluding representations, and passing comments, she and the others in the clip brazenly run down the country distastefully.

Right-thinking viewers are appalled by the sick and warped humour and the fact that the arrogant culprits brazenly refuse to acknowledge that the whole production smacks of malicious intent. That she had the gumption to be in the video and yet lack the grace to acknowledge the fact that she had overstepped boundaries is disgusting.

Kok claimed the video clip was produced with humour and fun for her audience among the Chinese community who speak Mandarin and Cantonese. If that were the case, why did she include English subtitles for those who cannot understand those dialects? Far beyond her claims, there is clearly a mischievous motive behind the production as evidenced by the script and characteristics/names of the other three characters. For example, the Feng Sui lady is Master Yan Yan alluding to Ng Yen Yen.

The well-endowed woman, Mrs. Jit, resembles the PM’s wife in terms of hairstyle and other statements that echo Rosmah’s statements on saving money for diamond rings, Birkin handbags, and other innuendos. The man has an uncanny resemblance to Wee Ka Siong in appearance and crying episode.

In a most revealing and audacious revelation, Kok was arrogant and resorted to revolting name-calling retaliation showing her lack of respect for fellow leaders and her warped malevolent side. Here are some of the labels she used in her press statement:

• She called critics of her video “racial bigots” and “stupid” for failing to appreciate the concept of satire.

• She singled out Umno minister Mohd Shafie Apdal and MCA’s Koh Nai Kwong for apologies, saying the duo had falsely accused her of mocking local security forces who fought during the Lahad Datu intrusion last year.

• She lashed out at MCA for being “political parrots,” accusing the party’s leaders of repeating the comments and actions of “racial bigots and extremists.”

• Kok is reported to have said Wanita MCA chief Heng Seai Kie as an example of a leader who could not accept political satire… and has shown her stupidity by calling on MCMC and police to intervene and stop my video for the nation’s stability and unity.

Is such behaviour becoming of a Christian MP? While on one hand she has the gall to make such an offensive video and on the other hand, has no guts to apologise or to admit her video clip of political satire is most inappropriate and out of line for the CNY celebrations . Neither does she dare to admit it was produced to reframe the representation of current issues to her advantage, through her lens, her perspective and that of DAP. Impressive?

By definition, satirical literature is different from pure comedy, as it is “not meant to elicit laughter just for the sake of laughing, for that is called clowning. It is a form of black comedy that reflects the political and social pains of every citizen.” Granted that for a long time, satire has long been used for political criticism with a specific target and an ideal for comparison description of a folly or vice. However, Teresa Kok and her DAP partners-in-satire must realise that whilst there is freedom in using satire, we should exercise responsibility in how we use it and not abuse others verbally after that!

The Columbia encyclopedia states:


