Too early to ask for Kajang’s gratitude

Kajang by-election

Voters need a rep who works for them, whether or not he is a world class leader

K. Pragalath, FMT

I’m currently unrepresented in the Selangor state assembly, thanks to Lee Chin Cheh, who has given up his seat in the hope that voters will allow his party boss to occupy it.

I must confess to being a little thrilled by the thought that my decision at the Kajang ballot box might make a difference to Anwar Ibrahim’s political future.

I haven’t decided whom to give my “X” to. And PKR deputy president Azmin Ali had better think again if he thought he could win me over with his call for “gratitude” from Kajang folk because a “world class leader” had decided to represent them.

I’m not at all bothered whether the candidate is world class or not, as long as his intention in seeking election in Kajang is tied strongly to his concern for my interests as a citizen.

If he can convince me of that, then I’ll be willing to disregard allegations that he is using me and my neighbours as a springboard to the Menteri Besar’s office from where, it seems, he will be in the proper position to resolve his party’s internal problems.

There’s yet another reason why I find Azmin’s plea offensive. The call for gratitude is too reminiscent of Barisan Nasional’s condescending attitude. We are all tired of hearing BN leaders tell us to be grateful to them for doing what they are paid to do, and we don’t want to hear the same from other parties seeking our support.

Excuse me, Azmin, there are 38,965 voters in Kajang and not all of them are thumb-sucking toddlers in awe of Anwar just because you say he belongs “not just to Kajang or Selangor or even Malaysia, but to the world”.


