Corruption claim an act of revenge, says Teresa Kok

teresa kok

(The Star) – DAP lawmaker Teresa Kok says she is unperturbed by a corruption report lodged against her by DAP members, and describes it as an “act of revenge”.

Speaking to The Star Online, the Seputeh MP said she had nothing to hide if the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) decided to investigate her accounts.

“I have no worry because all my accounts are in order. We submitted the accounts to a chartered accounting firm to audit before and after the general election,” she said Tuesday.

On Monday, DAP member Danny Leong Eng Tiom had submitted documents to the MACC on the alleged misappropriation of RM186,000 in election funds by Kok.

He claimed that he had received a legal notice from Kok’s lawyer on her intention to sue him for RM10mil over accusing her of misappropriation of the funds, an issue raised during the 13th general election (GE13) last year.

Leong was accompanied by Kok’s former personal aide Tony Tan, who also submitted evidence on the alleged sale of “Kung Fu” figurines by his former employer prior to GE13 to raise funds for the DAP.

Kok said such allegations from them were “nothing new” to her as they had been attacking her since she terminated Tan’s service in 2006 after just nine months.

“I terminated him because he had created a lot of problems related to funds in the party. We also have received complaints from a temple, where the monk told me that he had squandered money,” she claimed.

Kok alleged that since the termination, Tan had tried to take revenge by disturbing her in the 2008 and 2013 general elections.

“He would go around in my constituency with a loud hailer to make noise and brought gangsters when we had ceramah,” claimed Kok.

She added that they had also lodged numerous reports against her and held press conferences to tarnish her name.

“They have lodged a report against me to MACC before, but MACC said there was no case,” she said.

She added that Leong was a disgruntled member who was being used by Tan to harp on “petty issues”.

“We have all the bills and vouchers to substantiate our accounts and expenses. I have no worry about an MACC investigation especially if it was lodged by people with no credibility,” she said.

