I did what I had to do, says ex-Kajang rep on his shock resignation

Lee Chin Cheh 

“I wanted to know whether I would be penalised if I quit as all elected representatives were required to sign a contract before GE13. I also wanted confirmation that he would be standing there and thankfully, he put my mind at ease.”

Eileen Ng, The Malaysian Insider

Lee Chin Cheh presented a picture of calmness, almost oblivious to the effects of the bombshell he dropped with his sudden resignation as Kajang assemblyperson two weeks ago.

Shrugging off the ensuing media circus, the pudgy corporate and conveyancing lawyer said “it’s life as usual” for him.

By now, the reason the first-term PKR lawmaker resigned is well known among Malaysians.

Both Lee and his party had claimed the move and the subsequent decision to field opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim in the mixed seat was to strengthen the opposition pact’s ability to serve the urban electorate as well as to defend Selangor from Umno’s attacks.

Since last week, the 43-year-old had been going around with Anwar to meet the people and explain his decision, stressing that he did not encounter any hostility or anger from voters.

Instead, the response has been overwhelmingly positive.

“The question of betrayal does not arise as it is not as though I quit and joined another party.

“I resigned for the party, for Pakatan and for a better candidate,” he told The Malaysian Insider in an interview at his law firm in Petaling Jaya.

Wearing a striped blue and white shirt and black slacks, Lee denied claims he quit because he could not handle the workload or that he was forced, or paid to give up the seat.

“It’s all nonsense! I asked for nothing. I volunteered because I believe it will lead to a better Selangor in the future.”

Lee said he had felt for some time that Selangor, Malaysia’s richest and most industrialised state, needed Anwar to help improve its administration.

“Those aged 40 and below had no impression of his work and there is a need for a platform for Anwar to showcase his talents,” he said.

Lee said he had a five-minute meeting with Anwar, three hours before he handed his resignation letter to state speaker Hannah Yeoh.

“I wanted to know whether I would be penalised if I quit as all elected representatives were required to sign a contract before GE13. I also wanted confirmation that he would be standing there and thankfully, he put my mind at ease.”


