‘Not just Umno, keep PKR, PAS out too’


SUPP Youth also call for DAP leaders and members in Sarawak to quit party and form a new one ‘so that they are no longer controlled by West Malaysians’

Winston Way, FMT

If Sarawak DAP wants Umno stopped from entering the state then they should do likewise with PKR and PAS, said its local rival Sarawak United Peoples Party (SUPP).

“It is interesting that while Sarawak DAP had called for a motion to be tabled (at the State Legislative Assembly) to stop Umno from entering Sarawak, its leaders did not mention even a word relating to the radical PAS and PKR, which are both West Malaysia based opposition parties.

“If YB Chong (Chieng Jen) was serious in keeping the West Malaysian parties out of Sarawak, then he should include PAS and PKR in his ‘kick out’ list as well, or else, the people of Sarawak are hardly convinced,”  said SUPP Youth chief Tan Kai.

Tan Kai also asked Chong, who is state DAP chairman and other leaders to quit peninsular backed DAP and form a new party .

He said this is “so that they are no longer controlled by their  Malayan (DAP) leaders in ensuring that the interests and rights of Sarawakian people are better safeguarded and upheld.”

He was responding to Chong’s call to state BN parties to cooperate and work with Pakatan to keep Umno from expanding its influence.

Chong had thrown his support behind Chief Minister Taib Mahmud’s earlier reminder to state BN elected representatives to protect Sarawak and “keep Sarawak for Sarawakians”.

Following Taib’s reminder, Umno vice-presidents Shafie Apdal and Zahid Hamidi had respectively assured Sarawakians that Umno will not come into the state.

“Since our nation gained its independence over half a century ago, Sarawak BN component parties have spared no effort in safeguarding the interests and special rights granted to the state of Sarawak and its people by upholding the spirits of 18-point agreement.

“Furthermore, Sarawak BN which comprised of four component parties, has all this while, effectively vindicated the interests of our people as well as the autonomy of the state’s administration.


