Does Zaid have secret backers in PKR?

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( – Despite denials by Zaid that he is a proxy for anyone, it is now strongly believed that certain quarters want Zaid to join in the fray to make things difficult for party de-facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Parti Keadilan Rakyat could be in for a surprise in the Kajang state by-election as talk of a revolt in its ranks has been making the rounds over the last two days.

This was triggered after claims emerged that a group of PKR supporters including some senior leaders met with Datuk Zaid Ibrahim at his home on Sunday and expressed their support for him to contest in Kajang.

Despite denials by Zaid that he is a proxy for anyone, it is now strongly believed that certain quarters want Zaid to join in the fray to make things difficult for party de-facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Who this group represents is anyone’s guess but several people stand to gain if Anwar either loses or wins with a reduced majority.

The two most talked about names are Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim and his nemesis Azmin Ali.

Both claim to be close to Anwar but both stand to gain in the event Anwar stumbles.

Khalid will definitely get to finish his term as the Menteri Besar while Azmin will be able to mount a challenge for the party presidency.

Anwar had already indicated that he would be going for the PKR president’s position, currently held by his wife Datin Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.

It is learned that she is willing to make way for Anwar but has strong reservations against Azmin.

It is believed that Anwar was stepping into the ring to cool things off.

In light of these developments, party members are seeing the Kajang gambit as nothing more than a “power play” between the leaders and their struggle to remain in control.

A party insider said these developments may just wear down the ordinary members and some may just use the by-election as a platform to teach Anwar a lesson.

Zaid, a former Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, joined PKR in 2009 but left in 2011 after getting embroiled in mud-slinging politics when he wanted to challenge Azmin for the party deputy president’s position.

Despite being out of the party, certain quarters within PKR regard him as an asset and that his exit was a loss for the party.

Zaid and Azmin cannot see eye to eye while Khalid does not enjoy any special relationship with Zaid.

This brings up the question, who could be behind the move to endorse Zaid in Kajang.

Khalid had also denied any involvement saying there was no attempt from his side to influence Zaid to contest in Kajang.

He said Zaid’s decision was a testament of political democracy at play which allowed anyone to make their own decisions.

When news of the “secret meeting”, reached PKR secretary-general Datuk Saifuddin Nasution, he suggested that Umno could be behind it, using Zaid as a vote spoiler in the by-election.

A close aide to Zaid had since rubbished these allegations stressing that he (Zaid) was taking on Anwar and the Barisan Nasional candidate in the name of democracy.

“We do not understand why certain quarters within PKR are so shaken by Zaid’s candidacy. The by-election is a national issue and it is up to the rakyat to decide who they want.

“Though Zaid’s chances are relatively slim, he would still be able to put a dent on PKR’s majority,” said the aide.

In fact, a PKR leader revealed that during a closed-door party meeting on Sunday night, even Anwar had quipped “Kenapa Zaid ni nak kacau-bilau pula” (why does Zaid want to stir up problems).
