Anwar’s political chicanery

The Opposition Leader’s justification in forcing a by-election is nothing more than an attempt to fool Kajang voters to advance his personal ambitions

Narinder Singh, FMT

Anwar Ibrahim is perceived as the only heavyweight in the Kajang polls scheduled for March 23. Minnows like Zaid Ibrahim and Yuktes Vijay may be trying their luck but they may lose even their deposits for naught.

Granted, they may inch themselves with a little publicity, that’s all. We can brush off their candidacy as one would with dust on the counter with no impact to the surroundings. What’s intriguing is the prolonged silence from Barisan Nasional on its choice of candidate for the by-election many say is uncalled for and morally wrong.

Though MCA has taken to the media and blaring itself as the rightful ‘heir’ to the seat, its political master, Umno, has been playing dumb. It has thus far not consented nor given its blessing to MCA’s claim.

MCA lost the seat miserably in the last GE and yet it thinks it has a right to field another ‘sacrificial lamb’ to the same crowd. Chinese voters turned it down on a mass scale but amazingly MCA still believes that it has got what it takes to bulldoze its candidate into the fray of the by-election.

Anwar is a Malay champion first, then for others; though even that is questionable for the way he has been playing a chameleon throughout his political career. But with the support from DAP, he woos the Chinese crowds with his antics and operas, mesmerising them with cheap jokes like on an old record.

Since he is a product of Umno, it is no surprise that he too wants to feast the people with satay and free coffees. Having said that, should BN even be bothered to contest the election? After all, it is a coaxed by-election just to make inroads for Anwar to possibly unseat Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim.

BN, if it intends to contest, must field a candidate from Umno and not MCA. MCA cannot be recycled twice in the same constituency as it will be a sure loser. Not only the Chinese but even the Malays will reject it and provide a bigger majority to Anwar on a silver platter.

An Umno/BN-friendly candidate like Mohamad Ezam Mohd Nor would be a better choice to face Anwar. Ezam and Anwar go a long way back. Both have their dark secrets which can be unleashed during the campaign rounds. There may just be some fire crackers – post Chinese New Year.

A vote for Anwar is a vote for DAP

The other option for BN is to give a walkover to Anwar. The dynamics in terms of seats in the state assembly will not change but Anwar in all likelihood will make lightning speed moves to oust Khalid from office and take over the menteri besar’s post, immorally again.

That is, provided Khalid does not make any drastic or uncalculated moves, like switching camps to PAS, which will give the party the edge in deciding who should be the MB.

DAP and the Chinese voters have capitulated to Anwar. For the Chinese, as long as they can do business and control the corruption index in the country and Selangor, they will vote for even a firefly in Kajang.


