DAP member accuses Teresa Kok of misappropriating RM186,000


(Bernama) – DAP member Danny Leong Eng Tiom Monday submitted to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) documents on the alleged misappropriation of RM186,000 in election funds by Seputeh Member of Parliament Teresa Kok.

Leong claimed that he had received a legal notice from Kok’s lawyer on her intention to sue him for RM10 million over his accusing her of alleged misappropriation of the funds, an issue raised during the 13th general election (GE13) last year.

“I am here to hand over evidence on the (alleged) misappropriation of funds by Teresa and to clear my name,” he told reporters at the MACC office here.

He was accompanied by Kok’s former personal aide, Tony Tan, who also submitted evidence on the alleged sale of a ” Kung Fu” figurine by his former employer prior to GE13 to raise funds for the DAP.

Meanwhile, Pertubuhan Minda dan Sosial Prihatin president Ramesh Rao, who was also present, said they were gathering evidence on alleged misappropriation by other DAP as well as Parti Keadilan Rakyat leaders.

