See you in court, Rahman Dahlan tells Lim Guan Eng

guan eng-rahman dahlan

(The Star) – The Twitter war of words between Kota Belud MP Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng is headed for court, after another spat between the two on Sunday.

This time, Abdul Rahman said Lim had to be put in his place, after the DAP secretary-general again alluded that he (Abdul Rahman) was a Bible-burning proponent.

“I am out of town at the moment, but as soon as I get back, I will speak to my lawyers and get on with the case.

“I believe it is time someone puts him in his place as he has been going around saying things as he pleases,” the Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister said when contacted by The Star Online on Monday.

The two have sparred numerous times on Twitter, and on Sunday, following a Facebook note by Abdul Rahman on national unity, Lim tweeted: “Tell him to apologise and not support the burning of Bibles first!”

Abdul Rahman replied: “@mpkotabelud I had enough of your crass politics. Nothing good come out from your mouth. Nothing.”

In response, Lim then tweeted, “@mpkotabelud wah! scared oh, u wanna sue me? I am shaking all over…By the way, when are you filing suit? can’t wait to prove the truth ‘jgn buat omong2 kosong’.(do not just trash talk).

Abdul Rahman replied: “@cmlimguaneng Enough said. I see you in court”

The Kota Belud MP said it was very unbecoming of Lim to make such statements with malice, despite his explanation on the situation in his blog as well as national newspapers.

“This issue is very personal to me and I will do everything I can to prove that I am not a religious bigot.

“He and I can disagree on many issues like government policies and political ideologies, but issues relating to religion are a step too far,” he said, adding that he did not want this issue to be brought up in Kajang (during the by-election campaign), in turn confusing the people there.

Abdul Rahman stressed that he would not have taken heed of the situation if Lim were not the Chief Minister of Penang.

“The things tweeted by him truly surprised me, as he was truly crass. It would be something expected of people from the Red Bean Army but not the CM of Penang, in turn now leading me to question the kind of political game he is playing.

“I must also make it clear that I have done a lot for the Christian community in my constituency and I will prove that fact to the people and the court,” he said.

He added that the lawsuit was not an attempt to look for glory but to hold Lim responsible for his actions.

