Mohsin Abdulllah: Enter Noh Omar – Again

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( – That gives the impression the MCA is agreeable to an Umno man leading the way. Perhaps in the name of BN unity. Still to detractors that is yet another sign of the MCA “kow towing“ to Umno. Despite declaring loudly recently that they will be subservient to Umno no more.

OH NO – Not NOH! That pretty much sums up the reaction from an Umno man when asked what he thought of Datuk Seri Noh Omar being appointed “general” to lead the BN onslaught for the Kajang by-election.

He went on to quote an “Umno friend in Selangor”, as he puts it who said “lagi mengurangkan undi adalah”. In a nutshell, to that Umno man, Noh leading the BN campaign will “shrink the number of BN votes”.

But there’s always the other side of the story. Let’s see that side first – a side of an Umno agreeable to the leadership’s decision to pick Noh as the BN “general” for the battle (or should it be “war”?) in Kajang.

“General” is the term used by Umno/BN number two,Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin when he made the announcement. (see ‘Noh Omar to lead BN’s challenge in Kajang’)

To the Umno members in support of the move – Noh is the right choice because he can “campaign to the maximum“ as he is “not in government”. No specifics but that can be read as a “general very capable of slugging it out with no holds barred”. A slugger whose prowess cannot be pinned on the government.

They feel Noh is “well versed” with issues in the state – hence will be able to carry out his function effectively. But didn’t Noh fail to deliver Selangor to the BN in GE13? Why the second chance?

“That cannot be held against Noh Omar”, they said whilst pointing out that he was the number two in Selangor Umno – stopping short of saying Datuk Seri Najib Razak was the Selangor Umno head honcho for GE 13.

Back to the Umno people who are against the appointment of Noh.

Is this a fatal tactical move?

Obviously to them it is the wrong move – a tactical decision which can prove fatal, so to speak. So they said. In other words, they do not see Noh “galvanising” Umno/BN to rope in the votes – be it from the Malay community, Chinese or Indians. Or any other community for that matter.

What more Chinese. Of course. “Just a few months ago, Noh went all over the state shouting ‘Hidup Melayu’ and warning non-Malays not to play with fire with regards to the Allah word controversy and what not.

Suddenly now he is shouldering MCA and asking people to vote for the MCA candidate. “Isn’t that odd?” said an Umno source. Clearly the source is of the opinion Noh is a big turn off for the Chinese.

If appointing Noh is wrong then what’s right?

Said the Umno source: “The leadership should have appointed Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai with Noh as deputy. Let’s see Liow’s ability. Outside the box la sikit.”

But that’s not how the pro “general” Noh group see it. “Although the candidate is MCA, Umno must take the lead. The bigger picture is unity among BN components. We are talking camaraderie”.

Still strategy-wise, said an Umno strategist and in the name of that very same “camaraderie”, the MCA should be helped. “We should promise the Chinese community we will appoint Liow second finance minister if they help us win. At least that’s something to work on”.

However, the MCA itself is keeping mum on the appointment of Noh Omar. To use the over used – their silence is deafening. That gives the impression the MCA is agreeable to an Umno man leading the way. Perhaps in the name of BN unity. Still to detractors that is yet another sign of the MCA “kow towing“ to Umno. Despite declaring loudly recently that they will be subservient to Umno no more. Being accused again of bowing to Umno is something the Liow Tiong Lai-led MCA can do without.

Cloak and Dagger theory

That aside, there’s the “cloak and dagger” theory – not something alien to political parties. Especially Umno.

A party insider close to Selangor Umno had this to say: “This is a way to finish off Noh Omar’s political career. If he can’t deliver Kajang and the BN loses, who would want to be associated to the defeat? Also Noh Omar is losing grip in Selangor ”.

Pressed if this is for real, the insider’s reply was a simple “can always be looked from that angle, isn’t it?”

That is not saying much. But at the same time can mean so much.

Perhaps that theory is putting it rather hard. Too hard even. Maybe it can be seen from another angle, i.e. in Kajang it is not only the political career of Datin Paduka Chew Mui Fun that is at stake, it’s Noh Omar’s as well.

So much for Noh Omar’s second chance to make good.
