Waytha betrayed Indians, says Makkal Sakti


‘He didn’t understand his job and refused to work with the system.’

(FMT) – Malaysia Makkal Sakti Party (MMSP) has accused Hindraf chairman P Waythamoorthy of betraying Malaysian Indians by refusing to work within the Barisan Nasional system to improve the socio-economic status of the community.

Speaking at a press conference at PWTC today, MMSP president RS Thanenthiran said the former deputy minister had wasted a “golden opportunity” given by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak for him to pursue the Hindraf cause.

He said Waythamoorthy’s short stint in the Prime Minister’s Department was marked by his failure to understand his responsibilities and his adamant refusal to work with the system.

“He failed to understand his portfolio capacity and should have found ways to use the existing internal mechanism within the government system to solve Indian issues,” Thanenthiran said.

“His adamant character not to work along with the system has resulted in his exit.”
He said Waythamoorthy was not proactive in pursuing the interests of Indians. “He never once called other Indian political parties for discussion.”

He also questioned the rationale behind the Hindraf leader’s request for a budget of RM750 million for his department.

Thanethiran ticked off Waythamoorthy for asking Najib to resign, saying the statement was uncalled for.


