‘Rules not followed in picking councillors’


Former state executive councillor Ronnie Liu says process of selecting councillors was not done properly and early enough because it takes time for the state government to screen the candidates chosen.

Anisah Shukry, FMT

The lack of procedures in selecting councillors in Selangor has left key areas in the state unrepresented, said former state executive councilor Ronnie Liu.

Liu said the parties and non-governmental organisations (NGO) would have to be informed first before selecting a new batch of councillors.

“They will then put forward recommendations for candidates,” said Liu, who was a state executive councillor from 2008 to 2013.

“This is not being done properly and early enough. The whole process takes time as the state government has to screen the candidates chosen,” he said.

Lui said the quota for NGOs and professionals should have been maintained for check and balance in the local councils.

“These NGOs and professionals come from various fields and have different views and perspectives from that of political appointees,” he said.

He added that during his time, the state government had appointed individuals such as Cynthia Gabriel of Suaram, ex-banker Richard Yeoh, architect Derek Fernandes and Anthony Thanasayan, a representative from the handicapped community.

Selangor Local Government and Research Committee chairman Teng Chang Khim announced the appointment of councillors early this month but 55 out of the total 224 in the 12 local authorities have yet to be appointed.

The announcement came after more than a month of delay, leaving local councils unable to make decisions ranging from approving applications for housing renovations to business licences.

The Coalition of Good Governance (CGG) spokesman Jerald Joseph said yesterday that in the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ), only 19 out of the 24 councillors were appointed, leaving five zones unrepresented.

Joseph was also disappointed that 25% quota allocated to NGOs and professionals was reduced.


